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Fetus: So
Fetus: I found out how paul died

Jj(p): Who is paul again???

Fetus: The ghost

DitchDongDing: I'm sorry
DitchDongDing: Did i hear you right

Jj(p): You actually made friends with a ghost?

Pebble: Did you not hear yesterdaY
Pebble: He even replaced me with paul

TrashBin: Ouch

Jj(p): Oh i forgot about that
Jj(p): I was too worked up on mystic messenger

DitchDongDing: And i was occupied keeping jinwoo five feet away from me

Jj(p): You didn't have to knock me out tho :'(

Myungjojo: How did paul die?

Fetus: He was murdered :0
Fetus: And i thought a way we could help him

TrashBin: We-
TrashBin: There is no we in thiS

Fetus: Is
Fetus: We have to find clues as to who!

Pebble: Yeah no
Pebble: I'm bring an exorcist
Pebble: Or a priest
Pebble: Or whatever to get rid of paul
Pebble: I'm not living in a flat where someone was killed in

Myungjojo: Oh shit
Myungjojo: What if the killer comes back to your flat
Myungjojo: And kills you two instead

Pebble: Then im moVING OUT IN 0.02 SECONDS

Fetus: paul was 14 when he died tho

DitchDongDing: And??

Fetus: 70 years have passed since
Fetus: And his killer might be dead

Myungjojo: Not if hes immortal

TrashBin: You're crazy

Myungjojo: But so is finding a ghost
Myungjojo: So what if immortals are real too

Jj(p): I have no words-

DitchDongDing: Then why do you want to find a dead man???

TrashBin: If he is dead^

Fetus: To at least give peace to paul
Fetus: And let him pass on

Myungjojo: You've been watching too many ghost shows

Fetus: I already have a lead!
Fetus: Minhyuk, paul said there was a clue in the attic

Pebble: Oh you mean the creepy attic i swore to never step foot in again
Pebble: No wonder i always felt chills up there

Fetus: Come on
Fetus: I want to find out who is Paul's killer

Pebble: No thanks
Pebble: Last time i checked i wasn't your best friend anymore

Fetus: Why are you so difficuLT
Fetus: Fine I'll go alone

Jj(p): What a bad ex friend

Pebble: Ikr

Jj(p): Im talking about you
Jj(p): How are you gonna let sanha go and find all this out alone
Jj(p): Help the boy out

Pebble: Why am i suddenly being attACKED

TrashBin: Just go along with the child's words and help him

Pebble: Why don't you help too

TrashBin: Because I'm in the comfort of my own home

Pebble: Ugh fine

DitchDongDing: Do none of y'all even take the time to think
DitchDongDing: That sanha might have made friends with a demon???

Myungjojo: Why would it be a demon

DitchDongDing: Why wouldn't it be!

TrashBin: Why would there even be a ghost at all
TrashBin: They aren't real

Myungjojo: Stop with your non believiNG

Jj(p): If sanha says he talked with the ghost
Jj(p): Then i take his word

TrashBin: You're so naive
TrashBin: So if he said the ghost told us to run in front of a train to gain superpowers would you do it?

DitchDongDing: Thats oddly
DitchDongDing: Specific

Jj(p): If i end up turning immortal
Jj(p): Then hell yeah

TrashBin: I can't believe this-
TrashBin: I need to take a step away from this idiocy
TrashBin: I hope if it is a demon, he takes you all away

Jj(p): How ruDE

DitchDongDing: Even me :'(

TrashBin: Except you and Sanha

DitchDongDing: :'D

Myungjojo: So fucking whipped

TrashBin: that beats being short

Myungjojo: The audicitY

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