Eat Eat

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It took ages to get the cheese sauce out. It stuck like super glue so my black hair stood on end. It wasn't amusing. In the end I had done with it and cut out the sauce, it left my hair looking very 'Addams family' -ish. For a boys bathroom Dan's en-suite was fairly clean. The was no smell. This I certainly didn't expect. Half an hour later when I was done with the scissors the door swung open and Dan entered.  

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed staring at my reflection. I stared at the sink running my finger round the plug hole. 

"I look bad don't I?" I said suddenly seeing the truth in the mirror.  

"Well...It's unique." He said crouching on his mattress. I gave my hair a last brush then climbed into my top bunk and began painting my nails a deep red.  

"So what's with the wacky fashion?" He asked. I misunderstood for a moment then I realised he was referring to my black and purple net skirt and my corset style top.  

"It's kind of Goth style I guess - I like being different." I replied hoping he knew what a Goth was. 

"I like you being different too." He said- I peered over the bunk side at him - he was lying down now- staring up at the damp ceiling as if it were the night's sky.  

"So you like vampires and stuff?" He asked changing the subject awkwardly.  

"Yeah...Just call me the princess of the dark side! So why do you sleep on the floor?" I asked.  

"Goodnight Una." He said quickly - getting up and turning off the light. I was slightly apprehensive- what if he was a bed wetter or sleep walker? I'd soon find out. And anyway why had he turned off the light so abruptly. I screwed my nail varnish shut and put it on the small shelf above my head. Then I went to change into my PJ's in Dan's surprisingly clean en-suite. 


At around 2: am I was woken by a wailing sound. I peered over the edge of my bed to the floor and saw Dan curled up on his duvet sobbing and howling like a wolf in pain. I shuddered - 'should I comfort him?' - Nah I didn't fancy a heart-to-heart at 2 am. It took ages to get back to sleep but I managed just fine in the end.

The next morning things started to decline. I climbed down the rickety old ladder from my bed to the floor. My left foot touched the ground silently from what it appeared Dan was asleep though the duvet covered his face. The blackout blind was drawn and the was hardly any light in the room. I padded over to the blind - unsure how to wake a guy up- and opened it wide. I felt something grab my ankle. It was icy cold and the clasp was so tight I couldn't escape its frozen embrace. I fell onto Dan's mattress. Struggling for breath - I hammered on where I presumed Dan's shoulder to be - still unable to see the attacker.  

"You of all people should know not to open the blinds in daylight..." The voice was a mutter- a mere whisper amongst the panic in my head. The room began to spin, the walls closing in on me. I became unaware of the rest of my body. A cold chill. The voice was coming from under Dan's duvet.

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