Chapter 10

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Michael looked up at Juliette. The tears had stopped but

there were still tears on his cheeks. Juliette wiped them

away. "I love you Michael." Michael understood this. He

realized that the words meant love. So Michael looks at

Juliette brushing her hair back. "I love you Juliette."

Michael said in broken English but Juliette understood

the words well. This made her smiles softly up at Michael.

Michael kissed Juliette. She responded and wrapped her

arms around him. Michael nibbled on her neck and kissed

her ears and cheek, forehead, nose and again kissed her

sweet lips. Juliette loved it. She wanted to make love to

Michael. That was all she dreamed of last night was to be

in his arms. Even if it were just this once. To love a little

is better than to never love at all. "Michael I want to

be with you. I wish you understood me better and I you, but

then who needs words when our hearts know love?" Michael

had no idea what she said, but he assumed it was similar

to his own words and heart. Juliette let her hands roam over

Michael's back and chest. Michael was getting heated. Juliette

pulled off his t-shirt. She kissed each bruise and the cuts

on Michael's body. Looking up at Michael. She sat up and

raised her arms. Michael looks at her. His eyes glistened

in tears and love. Taking her top off over her head.

Now Juliette is there in her PJ shorts and nothing more.

Michael's eyes widen at the sight of her bare breasts.

He looks at her and then searches Juliette's eyes. (Are

you sure?) "If you asked am I sure, yes." Juliette took

Michael's hand and gently placed on her breasts. Michael

was trembling. He loved her so much and wanted to be so

gently. This was his first time. He'd had girlfriends but

they never got this far. Juliette was not a virgin but

she'd only been with someone one time and that was four

years ago. She's twenty one now. (I...I'm a virgin Juliette.

I want to do this right for you.) "I've only been with one

man and that was a mistake. You are my true love Michael

and I know it." (One man? Is that what you said my love?)

Juliette smiles tenderly and pulls Michael to her. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Michael let's his hands roam over her smooth skin. Juliette

does the same. Michael touched her legs and caressed her

body but did not touch her intimately yet. Juliette was

exploring Michael's body. She put her hand on Michael's

bulge and he gasped.


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