Chapter 14

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The paramedics came and treated Michael. The hooked

up an IV and put Michael on the gurney. "We are taking

him to Hollywood Prespterian hospital." "Okay! I'll follow

in my car." Michael didn't want to let go. "Ju...liette..

I...lo...p... you... ssst...aayy......" Michael held her

hand tight. "I'm coming with you. In my car. She made

motion to indicate driving her car. "I love you Michael."

Leaning over to kiss him. She smiled softly at him.

The paramedics thought okay whatever but hurried him

to the ambulance. They left with sirens blaring. The

police said they'd have to report to the state depart-

ment. "Do what you have to but if they try to hurt him

or make him stay in the LAX airport terminal again. I

will file charges against the government for unlawful

detainment, and violation of human civil rights and I

will win. I've already contacted a lawyer yesterday on

his behalf just in case!" Juliette sped away after the



The doctors in the emergency room worked on Michael

to save him. The cut was bad. It nicked his gall bladder

and spleen but they were able to repair both with little

recurring damage or medical issues. The scar on him would

be only two inches long and with time shrink more. They

did it in suck a way that it would be a thin line and

nothing more.

Juliette was walking back and forth in the waiting room.

She was scared and nervous. The doctor came out to her.

"Michael Jackson?" "Me! That's me! How is he?" "I'm

Doctor Cavanah. Michael came through well. He'll mend

just fine and can go home in two days. He's lucky you

found him and cared for him." "Thank god. Can I see him?"

"Oh, yes. Yes. He's in room 4209 on the forth floor."

"Thank you." Juliette raced up the elevator to the room.

She wanted to be with Michael.

ROOM 4209...

Juliette hurried in. Michael laid in bed he was still

asleep from the surgery. Juliette leaned over and kissed

him. Then she sat next to him and took his hand resting

her head on his chest. Closing her own eyes, Juliette

fell fast asleep.

Michael woke to a weight on his chest. Fearful at first

seeing he was in a hospital somewhere. His eyes darted

around the room, then they came to rest on the head of

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