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Wowie okay where do I start!

If you never had a crush before (on a person that you see on a daily basis like at school, not a crush on a baseball player or any athlete or actor) it feels okay on the first day and then when you try to be friends with them, you have that feeling that your heart is going to pop out of my chest and jump around. Word of advice, stop liking a person who doesn't talk to you or even acknowledge you, trust me. One time I had a crush on a guy and I only liked him because he said 1 thing about baseball and I weirdly started develop feelings for him. That year, he rarely talked to me and only talked to me if we had to. Later on in the summer, I told him that I liked him and he rejected me. Lesson learned.

But if your crush actually talks and not out of force but of actually wanting to talk to you, then try becoming their friend. It's a good start.  Here's the story. So 2 or a few weeks back, I started developing new feelings for the new kid in school. Yeah he was cute, but I didn't really know him because of course, he's the new kid and no one really knows the new kid. So one day, in History class, he randomly had a conversation with me about baseball. We talked about it for a long time about favourite teams(his is the Tigers wow), who should win the World Series, and favourite players, he even told me that he wanted to be a sports broadcaster and I was shook that he remembered that I wanted to be a broadcaster. I was so happy that I finally talked to someone about baseball without them getting annoyed. That's when I started having feelings for him. The next day we couldn't talk but the day after, we talked about baseball, once again. The next week happens and on Tuesday, he wanted me to help me with this one question in History and I sat next to him and then we started talking about baseball again and also working on the history questions. It was the greatest feeling ever but then something happened. On Wednesday, it was 3rd period and my friend told me this

"[His name] has a girlfriend"

I was in shock, I didn't know that he was dating someone, I felt sad, well of course I would feel sad but it was like feeling when you find out your favourite player got traded type of sad. I was sad for 2 days and on the 2nd day, he tried being all cute and talk to me and I felt that feelings that I had the first time.

Lesson of the story, don't fall too deep in a crush 

I was actually debating to write this but since this is a book about my rants or whatever, I might as well post it so here it is

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