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So I finally finished my two essays this week and I presented my essay (but in a powerpoint) but it was kind of easy? Like I kinda like writing essays or writing in general. Like I just love writing whatever is going on at the moment or in my head. Also,  I went to go see a musical today which was pretty emotional because I've been wanting to see this musical for a while and I just love the mix with history and music. It's called Hamilton, y'all should listen to the soundtrack because you don't really have to watch the musical because it goes in order (of course) but it's like a storyline, some songs are long of 3 minutes and some songs could be like a minute. If you have listened to the album, god bless you because you probably know the pain of some of the songs in the soundtrack,but overall, it's a pretty good musical and you can learn a thing or two :) so yeah that's basically what happened during this week, I'll probably continue writing next week.

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