Chapter Three

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He stood there like a magnificently god like while I stood there with my jaw wide open and speechless. The random guy standing in my lawn had beautiful dark brown hair that was spiked in the back by hair jell and  his bangs hung over his face just perfectly. The strange teen wore a skin tight black shirt and skiny jeans with his hands tucked into the tight pockets. So steam punky.

His eyes seemed to probe me like a cat studying it's pray right before they pounced and ate their meal. Oh god and his mouth! Those nice full lips just perfect for kissing... Mm how I would love to press my lips against that loveliness. Not to mention is British accent it was heavenly!

"Uh...hi..." I mumbled to him blushing hard. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he said walking towards me, his model shaped hands emerging from his pockets and took one of my own, "My name is Tancred and let me tell you that you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life, love," he continued by pressing those gorgeous lips to the back of my hand. I just about died and went to heaven.

My heart was pounding and I pulled my hand away from his mouth, "My name is Katheen." I said taking a step back, "I'm also taken, so don't do that." 

Stephan stood up straight putting his hands back in his pocket, "What ever you say, Katie" 

I pursed my lips and snapped, " Don't call me that! Now what are you doing here?" I asked. My heart began to ache and I could have sworn I had met him before.

"I can call you what ever I wish, my dear. And I just moved into the nieghbor hood and I thought I would introduce myself to the neighbors." 

"Oh, don't get the wrong idea, I don't live in this house, my grandparents gave it to me in their will," I said, "I'm going home now so I can go to sleep and so on," I said to him taking yet another step back. 

"How about I walk you home?" 

I was starting to get mad, "No, I have a boyfriend, shove off!" Turning away I hurried off my yard with my jaw set and slide my hand into my per just in case he decided to follow me, I would made his eyes out. 

"He won't be with you for long, Katie!" he called. 

Looking over my shoulder I growled, "I said shove off!" I was now furious and I wanted to get as far away from him as possible. Who the hell did he think he was anyway? Calling me Katie, asking to walk me home, and telling me about my boyfriend. I really wanted to pepper spray his eyes out. 

After I had calmed down, I walked into my house humming Breaking The Habit by "Linkin Park". My twin sister tackled me when I came inside and I laughed, "Hi Tami," I said, "what cha been up too?" 

"I've been waiting for you to come home! You're way late for supper! Later than usual! What's going on?! You've been doing this for a while now!" 

It may seem like Tami was my younger sister, but yeah, she was my twin. In fact, she was my older twin. More than half the time I seemed to be the more responsible of the two of us, "Sorry, sis, I was reading and this weird guy moved in that neighborhood so I had to deal with him-" 

"Did he hurt you! Do I need to go punch him where it counts?" she asked getting off of me and crossing her arms. 

"No, no, I got it all taken care of. You have nothing to worry about. I promise." 

My phone buzzed at six o'clock in the morning and I groaned. I didn't have to be up till six thirty. Picking up my slightly new phone I looked at it groggily:

Marco: Hey, you up? 

With a groan I took a few moments to type and sent: 

Katheen: I am now... what do you want so early in the morning? 

It took a few moments for Marco to send his text back, it always did, it wasn't anything uncommon. When he did text back I opened one eye to look at it. 

Marco: I just wanted to see if you were alright. You're status on facebook isn't a good one. Need to talk? 

Katheen: No, I don't, now let me get the last twenty four minutes of sleep I desprately need. 

With that, he just told me to call him after school was over and I slipped back into unconciousness. 

When I woke up, I was in the middle of English class with Molly shoving me out of my chair, "Wake up! We need to finish this project by tomorrow and we won't finish it by you sleeping all day!" she snapped at me slapping a notebook on the desk, "I don't want anything to do with you, now I've done my part of the assignment, you do yours." Molly stood up and walked away to a group of people. 

The group laughed as I sat up gathering myself and I sat back into my chair. Why had Mr. Tottle partnered me up with her of all people? It was like I didn't even know her anymore. No, I didn't know her anymore. Looking down at the work in front at me, I felt disgusted. This wasn't the work of Molly Bluebird. If it wasn't her, then who was it? 

In th end, it didn't matter, I had to deal with what I was given and I would make it beautiful instead of ugly like I was now. Picking up my pencil the words started to flow from lead to the paper without me even having to think much. What Mr. Tottle didn't know about me was that my words could touch the most evil person, Hitlar himself could cry at my writings. 

"Hey there, Katie." 

My hand froze and I looked up at Tancred standing there in all his glory. "Don't call me that, and you realize that skinny jeans are against school dress code?" I asked my eyes wandering down to his pants then back up to his eyes. 

He nodded to me and leaned on my desk, "I'll call you what ever I want to, dear, but what I'm more interested in talking about is why you're sitting all by yourself?" 

"No one really likes me," I said. 

"Who wouldn't like a beauty like you?" he asked yet another question leaning in more, "I think you're the star of this room." 

Heat rushed into my cheeks and I looked down at my work, "No, if there is a star in this room, it would be anyone but me." 

Tancred seemed to actually be confused and got in my line of vision, "Why do you say that, Katie? Why are you being so modest?" 

"Cause I'm not the best person to hang around, apparently; now please let me get back to my work." 

"Well, how about you and I hang out in the Band Room, I know how much you enjoy talking to people cause you aren't able to do much there," he offered. 

"Bandroom sounds good..." I mumbled keeping my eyes firmly on the paper. 

"Alrighty then, Bandroom it is," he said walking away with me. 

I let out a small sigh of relief, at least I could get away from him till them. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy, then again, I had a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Oh well, I guess it would have to wait. 

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