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1. Lawful Good

Lawful Good people act with compassion, honor, and a sense of duty. Lawful Good people believe structure and order is the best way for civilization to thrive. Lawful Good people face a delimma when the law goes against their moral code, or a conflic in moral and secular laws.

2. Neutral Good

Neutral Good people act with compassion but do not feeling the need to work for a structured authority. While Neutral Good people may work with law enforcement or the local authorities, they do not feel beholden to them. They have no qualms with breaking rules if it means doing the morally right thing.

3. Chaotic Good

Chaotic Good people have absolutely no regard for law or social structures, and will pursue what they think is right at any cost. Their lives are guided by what they think is right and good, and they have little time for those who see the world any differently. They're also willing to do bad things to bad people.

4. Lawful Neutral

Lawful Neutral people favor law and order over good and evil. They favor structure, loyalty, and tradition while their moral compass takes a backseat whenever they make decisions. They may have an ethical code, but it's not directed by the forces of good or evil.

5. True Neutral

True Neutral people fall into one of two categories. First is those who simply don't care about good, evil, law  or chaos. They act on basic urges and are not drawn to either side. The second category is those who are decidely balanced. They wish to maintain balance between good and evil, as well as chaos and order.

6. Chaotic Neutral

Chaotic Neutral people live their life on whims and spontaneity. While they generally have a distain for order and law, predicting their next actions is nearly impossible. Self interest is generally what drives these individuals, but unpredictability is the only predictable part of Chaotic Neutral people.

7. Lawful Evil

Lawful Evil people believe that keeping order is an important part of their own plans to gain power or wealth. To them, it's easier to gain power through exploiting the system than tearing it down and rebuilding it. Lawful Evil people are loyal will rarely break alliances unless they intended to when they made it.

8. Neutral Evil

Neutral Evil people act soley in the interest of themselves and themselves alone. They have no loyalty and have no problems backstabbing an ally. Greed drives a Neutral Evil person, and most are selfish and untrustworthy. How ever, Neutral Evil people will not commit evil acts unless there's some sort of payoff.

9. Chaotic Evil

Chaotic Evil people's lives are ruled by self interest and chaos. They go out of their way to disrupt order and law, and enjoy supporting anarchy as well as all around chaos such as riots. The only reason Chaotic Evil people behave is out of fear of punishment. They cause chaos for the sake of chaos.

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