introductions to the past

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AN:// this is still flashback mode btw(y)
Warning this is sad:(

"The past is a strange place"

Ricky walked along the path On his way home from school. His day had been pretty basic. Nothing much happened. But the thing is, this girl, he couldn't get her out of his head. He had to get to know her more. The only thing he knew about her is that her names Alex Jordan, and the only reason he knew that was because he read it Off her text book.

It was hot. Ricky took Off his purple asking Alexandria hoodie and put it in his bag. Underneath being his best black stone cherry tee. Band merch was his thing. And now his hoodie was Off he could show Off all his bracelets. He had eight bracelets on each arm. They added a bit of colour to his all black outfit.

His mum called this his "scene phase". She always said to family that he would "grow out of it" but she was very wrong. This wasnt just a phase for Ricky, this was his way of life.

Ricky landed home and threw his bag on the floor. No doubt his mother would be out. Out down the pub with her new friends.

He loved his mother, he really did. But she wasn't the best mother. She was always either drunk or hung over. She's had a string of boyfriends over the past two months since her and his dad got divorced. Fuck, Ricky was surprised she hadn't got herself pregnant, or that she hadn't caught every STD under the sun!

Ricky went straight upstairs, skipping dinner, and lay down on his bed. He took out his phone and put in his earphones. This would be how he spent most of his nights, home alone with his earphones in. Or home alone playing his guitar.

Music was his life.

Music kept him alive.

More often than not Ricky wanted to escape. Wanted to get away from it all. Wanted to end it all. The stress and confusion. The judgmental eyes he had taught himself to ignore. The voices of the people talking about him behind his back, they thought he couldn't hear. The pain he felt inside his chest, as the two girls behind him giggled, just wouldn't go away. Their poisonous laughter boiled his blood. He wanted to rip Off his ears, or go deaf, he would do anything, just to make it all stop.

"Ricky I like your ear-rings" The sarcasm spewing from their arrogant mouths.

It hurt.

It killed him inside. Each day having to deal with it. It got worse and worse. He couldn't cope. He couldn't deal with it on his own. And he was,very much, alone.

They say these problems we face in life, once we over come them, make us stronger.


They left Ricky mentally unstable and unable to cope with his feelings. His past always coming back to haunt him.The things he had to deal with. The people he had to face. The teasing and taunting. The abuse and the hate. It slowly killed him.

And one day this would all get to much for him.

And he would make the worst decision of his life.

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