The posion is her medication

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AN:// I'm really happy with this fic so far, I know it's not very miw yet. but I'll get there:) sorry for the sadness! This is an emotional thing for me to write to you know:p okay so warning for this part it does contain DA!* SPOILER!* Enjoy!

She was zoned.

And she was calm.

That was all that mattered to Alex, as she sat with her back against the wall in that English class. Her earphones in. Music never sounded so sweet.

She was happily dreaming of a land far away. Of faces she had once seen and of places she had once been. The good times and only the good times. She had no care for anything less than perfect. Because she was what she called "numb"

She barley even noticed that a person had sat beside her. Never mind knew who they where. The rest of the class knew not to sit with Alex, because they where afraid. Alex was almost surprised when this person sat in the chair beside her. She had taken out an earphone to have a go at him. Tell him to get out of that seat, it was for her feet. To threaten him within an inch of his life. And to tell him where to go.

"hey" she smiled.

What was that?

She said hey. She smiled and was civilized towards some randomer. That wasn't like Alex. She was aggressive, even when numb. She was ignorant towards other people and hated being in crowds. She liked to be alone. That way she didn't have to put up with anyone else's bullshit.

But there was something that made her be nice to this boy. Something about him, something vaguely familiar to herself. She didn't know what it was, but she wasn't prepared to find out.

She spent the rest of the lesson, and the rest of the day in a dream. Lighting up again at lunch to give her the comfort of her zone to keep her calm.

She had her addictions in life.

music and weed.

She wasn't proud of being addicted to anything. But she wasn't ashamed either. I mean who gives a fuck if she is hooked on weed. Didn't it help her to stay calm. It was her way of dealing with things. And unless out  in the world, there is a magical fairy godmother that can come along and take away all her feelings for her, she isn't going to stop smoking it anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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