Chapter Three

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Another thing about Blake and I is that we have a history of liking each other when we were kids. He was even my Valentine when we were 8 years old. Then in middle school, we didn't have classes together and when I saw him he was always with other guys and being a jerk to everyone. They ignored me. He's never been mean to me, really. But then in high school, he started flirting and having mini tantrums when I didn't fall at his feet like the other girls. By then, he had grown up. Like really big. And he seemed to be still growing like a beast. His tantrums scared me. Eventually, the little sweet gestures got bigger and more obsessive and that scared me, too.

But somehow, the guy who was holding my hand while I laid alone and in pain was that kid I knew when we were 8 years old. My friend. My Valentine that I had a bit of a secret crush on which meant I let him cheat on our spelling tests and felt special when he shared his candy with me and only me. I was so grateful to see my friend that my pain seemed to ease. He fell on his but and grunted and I giggled. And then I relaxed a bit more feeling like I could breathe. I shivered. It was getting dark. He took his jacket off and laid it around me as best as he could. It was so kind and I was so tired I started to sniffle.

"Are you crying?" He sounded panicked. It made me giggle again. He climbed down a dangerous ravine and stayed calm through all of this, but a few tears were freaking him out.

"How will they find us with it getting dark?"

"My family will figure out." He said with confidence.

"I'm so tired. I don't hurt as much now, somehow."

"Close your eyes and rest." He said.

I woke up still stuck in a ravine. Alone with the most unlikely of heroes. The moon was full and I could see his silhouette and some of his face.

"Where are our rescuers?" I asked.

"They should have been here by now. Something is wrong." He said, agitated. "Let me try something. Don't freak out, okay?" He sat cross legged, held my hand, and took a breath. His eyes suddenly seemed to reflect in the moonlight. Then his body stiffened and even in the limited light, I could see the devastation on his face."


"My dad is dead." He said, tears in his throat making him sound younger.

"How can you possibly know that? And what just happened to your eyes?" Great, my rescuer was actually crazy, like I had suspected all year.

"They'll be coming now. I'll explain it all soon, okay?"

He sounded so off. I felt uneasy and trapped. So I went along with it. Staying quiet and making a vow to remember that Blake wasn't my friend and he wasn't stable. After we were rescued, I was going to be extra determined to stay away from him. And nothing would change my mind. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2017 ⏰

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