Memed it

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Jae's POV

Ow. My head hurts. Ugh

"Ronnie! Make my head better!" I groan. "No fuck off I'm fucking dead." So much for friendship. "Wipe that smirk off your face or I will cut you." I growl at Dad. "Well. Now you know not to drink so much." He grins.

I jerk my head at the tattooed mess in the corner. "Blame Ronnie. He's the fuck nugget that bought me them." I say. "Blame yourself. You're the cheese shit that drank them." Ronnie says. I flip him off.

"Hey guys I'm just gonna practice my drums. I haven't practiced in a while" CC says. "I will cut your dick off." I warn. He grins and looks at me. "I'll drink all the monster then and burn your speaker." He says back. I glare at him.

"Do it bitch you will meet your end." I say. He backs away slowly then screams "MAMMA JINXX! JAE'S BEING A HORMONAL HUNGOVER TEENAGE BITCHY MESS AGAIN!" Me and Ronnie both jump up at the same time.

I ignore the pounding in my head and the naseua and me and Ronnie both jump on him. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU KINKY BANDANA SHIT!" I scream. Ronnie just slaps him a few times. Dad pulls me off and Ronnie pulls Andy away.

"Stop shouting!" Andy yells. I turn to him and wince. "Shh indoor voices." I whisper. "I'll indoor voice your face." Andy retorts.

"Fucking douche you can't. The fuck you on?" I ask. "Your Mom." Dad says at the same time as Andy saying "Smoke weed everyday." I wriggle out of Dads grip and knee Andy in the balls.

"You outdated meme." I spit. "Says you. You came out the closet last night. Again." he groans, clutching his crotch. I grin and bolt into the bunks. "I NEED MORE SLEEP AND LESS LIFE!" I scream to no one before face planting into my pillow. Ow.

Andy's POV

Ashley hands me some frozen peas. "Here ya go." I grab them and apply them to my crotch. "Thanks." I wince at the coldness but get used to it. "Your gonna have to get used to the abuse Batman." Ash grins. "I have done. For ten fucking years." I point out. Now Jae's passed out in her bunk and Jake took Ronnie back to his bus and Jinxx is looking after CC, it's a lot quieter and calmer. I don't like it.

"I'm gonna go call Juliet. It's eerily calm in here." Ash helps me up and I hobble to my bunk muttering a "fuck you" at Jae. I close my curtain and set up Skype. "Hey babe. You ok?" Is Juliet's first sentence. "Yeah I'm fine, why?" She points at the peas. I grimace and tell her what happened.

At the end of the story she's in fits of laughter. "Oh..oh my God..that's..that's amazing! You kinda deserved it." I glare at her and pout. "I thought you were meant to take my side. Isn't that in our marriage contract?" I ask. "You mean our vows?" She giggles. "No it isn't. I totally agree with Jae. Bitch you got your ass handed to you on a plate...with a bag of peas." And she bursts into laughter again.

I roll my eyes but smile despite myself. We talk for a bit longer then she hangs up. "How's Juliet?" A timid voice asks. I open my curtain and motion for them to sit down. Jae sits at the end of my bunk and crosses her legs. She looks at the peas and winces.

"Sorry Batman. I feel a bit better now." As soon as the words leave her mouth she flies to the bathroom. Not caring about the pain I Naruto over to her. I reach the bathroom and hear vomit hit the toilet. I slide into the room and kneel beside her, rubbing her back.

"You were saying?" She gives me a withering look and then goes back to throwing up. When she's stopped she shakily stands up. While Jae rinses out her mouth and brushes her teeth I grab her a glass of water. She takes the water and goes back to her bunk.

I follow and place a bucket beside her. "Try get some more sleep sweetie." I kiss her forehead and she mumbles "I'm sorry" before drifting off. Closing the curtains I head to the kitchen.

"Hey is she ok?" Ash asks. I nod. "She threw up a few times but she's just hung over. I left her some water and a bucket." He nods "I'll just go check on her. I should be there for her." Ash leaves and I let out a slow breath. He's really been trying to pay more attention to her and spend more time with her. Yes he brought back that slut yesterday but he did just get rejected. I don't blame him.

Here's a chapter *shoves it in your face* you're welcome *bows*

Just kidding. Imma try update later coz I have a really good idea for some drama!! Thank you to everyone reading :) xox

Thrown (adopted by Black Veil Brides)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن