Chapter 1•Absolute Mania

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"...I'm A Champion."

Patrick Stump, lead singer of Fall Out Boy died from suicide. No to dark... Patrick Stump lead singer of Fall Out Boy killed in car accident. Bit more do able just more difficult and expensive. Looks like staging a suicide is what it takes to leave a life I didn't want to lead. I never wanted to be this big famous singer known for my soul voice but Pete doesn't take no for an answer. Which is why I have to make everyone think I'm dead. My wife... my kids... Declan my darling daughter will have to see an empty casket lowered into the ground thinking her father is in it. How can I do this to her? There's no other way out. They will die if I don't. That's why I have to make the sick bastards that run the music industry think I'm dead so Fall Out Boy can become a memory in kids hearts. Pete refuses to comply and so does Joe, Andy has left though. He didn't want a part of it. It's surprising Pete would put some band before his family, his life.

Packing a backpack and changing my clothes it was all set. The call was made and the body of some poor sandy blonde blue eyed man was dead on the floor looking a lot like me. A lot like how I feel. It's like I'm starring in a mirror that only reflects my thoughts. Suddenly I can see Elisa and Declan, both trying to comfort each other. Elisa holding our baby trying to be strong for her. The sounds of her scream when she sees her husband on the floor soaked in blood. The medical examiners know the plan along with the officers and medics. Everyone that is involved in covering this knows aside from my family. They will all mourn the death of a stranger while I live it up in Alaska for a while. When things settle I can get my daughter and wife back. The rest no, I can't. They don't need to risk it. I'm being selfish by bringing my daughter into this as well as my wife. It has to be done.

Looking at our family photo one last time I placed the suicide letter neatly in my cold hand the pistol was in the other. It was a bitter sweet moment as one would say. I did want out of this business and now I got my wish. What harm has been caused by it though? What was this mans name? Who's son is he? All questions I'll never be able to answer entirely. Seeing the black van parked out front I had on the disguise. I dyed my hair a dark blue and even pierced my lip. A few fake tattoos and trimmed my hair suddenly I wasn't me. I was a punk rocker from the east bay looking for an extended vacation at my parents resort. My hobbies are guitar playing, photography, and hiking. I love nature and animals of all kinds. My favorite music is metal and I despise Fall Out Boy. Putting in the neon green contacts Patrick Stump disappeared and Sebastian Reeds replaced him. 28, born on January 8th. The freckle on my forehead was removed with foundation and none of myself was recognizable aside from height. I even had lost weight for this. Hardened my personality and lit a cigarette. Taking a puff from it I felt the fire go down my throat and ignite my lungs before coughing. Taste like hell but Kyle is a smoker. He's a bad boy Patrick could never be. Pulling on the red and black flannel I grabbed my bags and left locking the door behind me. Entering the van the driver said nothing as we left. I didn't even get to say goodbye. Tears fell silently as I took another hit from the cigarette, it was getting easier each try. Each mile that passed I memorized my character and role to play. I sent one last text to Pete, apology. All I said was sorry. Then I threw the phone out the window. I'm leaving my old life behind.

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