Day with the animatronics part 1

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The girls decided to stay for the day. They went to the show stage area and waited for the boss to come in. When he did "What are you still doing here?" Is what came out of him. "We wanted to watch the animatronics preform." "I see.... Well,... would you like to make some extra money, and be waitresses for the day? Four of ours called out today." "Oh! Uh sure." Lilly said. "I'm down." Was Brianna's reply. "Cool." Was Autumn's. "Alrighty, here are some uniforms." He said handing them the outfits. The girls went to the bathroom and changed. "This is cool." Autumn said. "Obviously!" Brianna said. "It's Freddy's!"  "Yeah!" Lilly said. They went out of the bathroom and started the day.

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