John's journal #12

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February 19, 1964

John's Journal #12

Lots of crazy shit went on today, first, i woke up with a major headache and fever in which i was fussy and locked myself in my room. Then i snuck out my window and went to go buy some drugs and a soda. then later on i found out that Paul and Ringo set up camp outside my door when i came home through the front door. George came home and he joined Paul when Ringo had left.  I kicked out this girl who kept following me around like a puppy... it was a one time thing in a moment of weakness... Then George was all said about his girl problems and thats when he accused and attacked Ringo for being with Pattie. (its the other way around later) They made up later... what else... oh, we kinda took an acid trip (George and i ) before the fight. I was kinda to blame for George's behaviour. Then much later i began to feel sick and puke my brains out in the toilet. Hopefully Ringo didnt think wrong when i left him like that when he was talking. Paul was my little Nursie again :) but i think he enjoys it. After that stuff i went to sleep and well yeah... it was a pretty eventful two days.

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