John's journal #23

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March 13, 1964

John's journal #23

So, I fed a different George some of my cooked chicken and rice. He enjoyed it but when he thought I was serious about dropping in roofies, he.screamed at me and he hurt my feelings. But, we're good now. I'm not some sick fuck who'd roofie his own friend for no good reason. George should fucking know that. After talking to that George, I gave some of my food to the other George, for whom it was intended. I had a sugar rush overload today and well, I blame Hannah a bit because she encouraged me to chug that can of Coke after "not" calling me a druggie. I crashed and she tried to offer me more sugar and I was like, "Are you trying to get me sick?" I hope I didnt come off as a total arse to her. Later on, as promised earlier, Paul,Hannah and I had a pillow fight. Though, I hid under the bed and ate my candies. Paul and Hannah shook and jumped on the bed, trying to get me out from under. Then I heard Hannah leave, leaving Paul jumping on the.bed. I shouted "stop it Paul! You arse!" His childish response was to jump on the bed harder. I gave in and rolled out from under. He pointed and laughed in victory "you're out. I win!" Then threw a pillow at me. I stayed down not wanting to move. Paul got bored and laid down on the bed his face upside down to me. I crawled over to him and we teased each other lovingly. He flicked my forehead when I slapped his hand and crotch. Then I.flicked his nose as I said "I'm not that nice anyway." He said "you're nice but in your John kinda nice, way." Okay, well yeah that pretty much sums up today. Oh, I appreciate Brooke for words of encouragement. <3

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