Chapter 9 - the two faces of passion -

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Chapter 9

- the two faces of passion -

Dan's POV:

In this town it all went down

our chromosomes in sepia tones

In my mind, in my mind

I was sitting in my hotel room. Kyle next to me. But we didn't say a word. With my little piano I played some chordes. I thought they were darker than usually. I knew the next song in  my mind would be a deeper one like 'Oblivion'.

Kyle sat there just listening.

I hummed a little melody.

"Dan?" Kyle asked carefuly.

I didn't expect him to talk to me. I was surprised.

"Hmm?" I nodded still humming.

"You always think about her, don't you?"

He didn't say her name so I tried to evade.


"Dan. Don't you even listen to me?"

He acted as if he was angry with me. I knew he was just kidding.

"Sorry. I am lost in my thoughts." I expalined.

"Do you think about AMELIA all the time?" He repeated his question slowly and clearly.

Kyle tried to tease me.

"Kyle don't tease me. Maybe."

"Maybe?" Kyle grinned.   

"I don't know what I think. I don't know what I should think. I don't know what the girl that kissed me thinks. I don't know anything."       

I was almost whispering the last sentence.

I played a horrible chord at the piano. It summed up my feelings.

"You worry a lot?" Kyle guessed.

"Yes!" I affirmed.

"About the public opinion?" Kyle asked knowing that wasn't the real reason.

He wanted me to talk to him on my own.

"No!" I replied. "Of course not."

Kyle looked at me waiting for more information.

"About Amelia. About her opinion. Did she see the picture.?" I had to sound like crazy.

I was talking about a girl I never talked to in person. Kyle noticed that weird fact, too.

"Dan? Did she even know YOU?"

"No, probably not. She was just dancing on her own. She didn't looked like a fan. Not even Liza, the girl I kissed." I talked more to my own than to Kyle.                                        

"Dan, I didn't want to know whether she knew you are famous or not. But did she recognize you?"

"Kyle we're not famous at all." I paused.

"Fuck." I wasn't able to keep my head up high.                                   

"I think. ...Maybe she recognized me. Maybe not. To be honest I didn't think about it yet."

"Dan that's weird." Kyle articulated what I had thought before.

"I think she did recognize me. When Kate snatched me out of Liza's arms I was able to look into her eyes."

I reminded myself on the past situation. It hurt.

There was Kate, my best friend. I had not talked to her for a while. Liza and our kisses. Meaningless and drunken. Amelia. Beautiful and full of desires.

"She is very young." I added. A random fact. Well, I didn't know for sure. But that was what she looked like. The only fact next to her name I remembered on.

Suddenly chords and lyrics were running through my mind and I had to play them immediately.

The ones you loved were so young, were so young, were so young.

It sounded depressive and epic.                                                          

Kyle laughed out loud and I had to laugh, too.

"Oh Dan. Your're such a weirdo."


Thanks to everyone who read the story, commented and voted so far. I hope you'll still like my story. Keep storming! Xx

Special thanks to Sonja for the chapters title! ♥

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