Character dump: Twilight

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(June, year 2)
Hedge leaned on Jameson heavily. The whole ordeal of getting here to this "Requiem" place took a lot out of the little natural one, now she was battered, bruised and bloody and all she wanted was sleep. At least a rest. Her entry to town had drawn attention, -probably due to the fact that she nearly looked like a zed.- but her friends had been happy to see her, and hastily equipped her. There was still no sign of Vasily and she was starting to doubt that the gunslinger was even among the living anymore. At least there were familiar faces at this settlement, she really didn't want to go through the process of getting used to a new group again. It took her long enough to trust this one. She'd just started to grow attached- losing these friends now would be devastating, and she nearly had. She looked at Jameson thoughtfully, and a childish giddy feeling swelled in her. She's found them again. This time will be different. She settled in, resting her head onto his shoulder. Strange, usually she hated to be inside. -Too closed off, not enough escape routes- but right now she didn't mind it much. She looked at Jameson again.
"You know something?" She said, a small half smile creeping across her face. "Jeg elsker deg." Then she giggled at the confused face he made.
"What's that mean?" He asked.
"Hm... I'm not sure the translation... but something like... I care for you very much." She replied. He nodded and leaned back, looking at her carefully.
"Well, I care for you too." He smiled.
She grinned, satisfied, and settled back against his arm.

Moments later, the two were fast asleep.

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