part 1

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“Mason, and Alex get your Asses down stairs right now.” I yelled from living room, I heard “calm your nuts” from my dear little brother Alejandro, he is also my 2nd in command and “What the hell got up his ass this morning?” from my littlest brother Mason very American I know, but he was the only one out of all of us born in America, Alex and me were both born in Mexico. He is also my 3rd in command.

“I can hear you dumb fucks” I said looking pissed off; I had a good ass reason too, who the hell told them they could take that deal with the Gravano drug cartel without telling me. Do you know how surprised I was when I got a call from Graveness 2nd in command this morning saying he is happy we agreed to the deal last night like what the fuck did they do?  

“What?” They both said in an angry voice cause its 7 in the morning.

“What the hell did you do last night?”

“Nothing” they both said looking down.

“Well do you want to explain to me why they hell I got a call from Gravano 2nd in command saying we made a deal?”

“ Well you see what had happen was mason and me got to the club you know like every other day, checking out everything and we saw them there and so we went to say ‘hi’ and that’s all I remember” Alex finished looking down.

“Are you serious?” I asked looking more pissed off.

“Yeah well I remember a little, of the deal, it’s just that we agree to help take down the Russians,” said Mason.

“WHAT WE ARE FRIENDS WITH THE RUSSIANS MASON? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?” I yelled looking like the hulk at that moment.

“Not those, the ones that have been on our border trying to sell there drugs damn I am not that dumb,” said Mason looking a little pissed off. If I did not get them from my vision I would kill them.

“GO and don’t forget about the family gathering tonight at Club Hell!” I yelled looking mad as I turned to go to my office. I heard feet going up the stairs. ‘God they have so much to learn’ I thought looking at the paper at my desk. I heard a knock at my door, “What?” I yelled,

“Damn, nice way to talk to a girl that saves your ass all the time Carlos”, my cousin, Kate Montez said looking at me with her famous grin. I look at her at with my ‘really?’ face.

“Ha!” she laughed, “So you ready for tonight, the family gathering of the week?” She said with a sarcastic tone. You see my cousin Kate hates family gatherings, saying there is no point cause we see each other’s faces all the time.

“Yeah I guess…” I said looking down at all the papers I had to get done before tonight cause if I didn’t, then there would be a problem of course.

“Hey need help?” she said looking at the stack.

“No I am good I can do it,” I said looking at a file.  Now that I thought about it, why is she here?

“Is there a reason that you come to visit?” I asked looking at her. Giving her the ‘what do you want’ face? She of course looked at me ‘shocked’ and said

“What I can’t come and say hi?”

“No so what do you want?” I said looking back down at my papers.

“I don’t want nothing its just that Sam is mad cause dad is thinking of making me his 2nd in command, so I was wondering if you knew what I can say to him to make him talk to me again and not be mad at me…” She asked looking sad, which was shocking for me cause she is a born killer but she is like a sister to me and seeing her like this breaks my heart. So I look at her and said,

“Look I will talk to him okay?” I said with my killer smile.

“Really?” she said with a huge smile on her face.

“Yes really now go I have work to do.”

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