The Beginning of Our Depression

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters, references or quotes that may be/are used in any of my stories. All rights go to their owners.

Note(s): I'm thinking of changing the whole...

"Boss: (insert sentence here)"

Because it's annoying me hah. I'll write every other characters speeches in italics and see how it works otherwise I'll go back to doing that. Also, the characters thoughts will be in italics, you'll know what I mean as you read on and whenever I'm putting emphasis on a sentence or word(s), I'll put it in bold!

ALSO!! I am sorry this is insanely long lmao I edit and change these up way too much. ;-; hope you enjoy cause there's gonna be some major mind fucks and tons of forth wall breakers as the chapters go on. x

♡ Y/N = your name.

♡ OOC = Out of Character


You look at the clock on your phone, 10:30pm, you scroll through social media to kill time. You look at the time again, 1am. You check to see if you have any new notifications hoping to see a text message from either your mum or step dad to see where they are. Usually, they text when they're going to be staying out late.

"Okay, that's annoying. They could've at least said they were going to stay out. Ugh, I guess I better make myself some dinner since some people want to stay out late and not tell anybody when they're coming home."

You say as you roll your eyes getting off your bed and leaving your phone and headphones on top. You pull down your baggy shirt and adjust your underwear as well as your hair. Walking down the hallway of your house you hear some banging outside and you instantly assumed it was the old man and the kid from earlier. They seemed dodgy so you were being judgemental. Of course, you want to go and have a look so you decided to peak through the window, not realising that you could hardly see shit since it was so late - thankfully, whoever was making all that noise had their lights on.

"What the?"

You say confused. All of a sudden you're in a house across from the old man and kid.

"I swear they were next door from us. Not across"

You pull the curtains open and notice the entire scenery has changed as well as the location of your house.

"What the fuck is going on? Hahaha, wait, no I must be asleep. Ok (Y/N) chill out and just cruise through it... In saying that why am I dreaming of that old man and that kid?"

You say looking over across the street to the old man in what seemed to be his garage. He was wearing what looked like a laboratory coat. He ran his fingers through his faded blue hair and started talking to the kid next to him. The young pubescent teen looked about 13/14 years old and so you couldn't really complain seeing as you were only 20.

As you start being nosy you notice the old man looking up and noticing you peaking at them both and he frowns. He starts talking to the teen and they both end up looking your way.

"Oh shit, oh shit. This is what I get for being such a nosy prick. I should've just gone back to bed."

You say to yourself as you slick your hand through your hair. You look back over to see them both walking across and towards your house.

"Fuck. Oh shit. No, holy shit. Please don't com- actually! I'll pretend I'm asleep and ignore the door."

You shut the curtain and at this point you hear the teen speaking, but only faintly. The old man starts talking too and he doesn't sound happy.

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