26| WAR

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sheridamn when will my husband return from war?

(Tagged: @rydaaa)

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thenorrie husband????

username1 cute!! 💕

rydaaa very funny, laugh it up, I still can't believe you heard me say that

sheridamn you weren't quiet about it @rydaaa 😂

vievie what happened?

sheridamn we went out to the paintball place because Norrie said it was fun, so we wanted to try it, and when we teamed up, Ryder saw a girl kissing her boyfriend goodbye while she waited with the others who weren't playing and he just said 'when will my husband return from war?' really quietly when the girl turned back around to watch him leave behind the fence @vievie

rydaaa it didn't happen quite like that, but I'll let you have it @sheridamn

username2 lmao ^^ 👌🏿👌🏿

username3 me ^^^

vievie it's better than half the things Norton says on the daily @sheridamn

thenorrie talk shit, get hit ^

vievie @ me, you mongoose @thenorrie

thenorrie I don't want to be associated with your account ^

vievie I'm not Theo! @thenorrie

thenorrie ...

thenorrie good point @vievie

thechloboat how cute! 🥜🌸💜

sheridamn I'm bruised beyond recognition @thechloboat 💛🌷⭐️

rydaaa straight up lie ^

sheridamn 💛💛 @rydaaa

rydaaa I dove in front of you when that group of professionals tried to wipe you out @sheridamn

sheridamn my hero! 💛💛 @rydaaa

rydaaa what do heroes get? @sheridamn

thenorrie oooooooooo ^

thenorrie oooooooooo ^

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