Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

I searched for Henry, but he was no where to be found. Suddenly, I saw something on the roof of the building. It was Henry. I knew that I couldn't win in a fight, but I still had my mind control. I pulled out my wings.

Henry Wottsman was waiting on the roof for the fairy. He gritted his teeth, impatiently. He turned around and saw her right in front of him. Vivian still wore the white mask.

"I'm glad you liked my gift." Henry sneered.

"Were you using your mind control on me in the forest and Kendall's house?" Vivian demanded.

"Would you rather I think you're crazy, like your boyfriend." As he spoke, lightening bolt crashed at his feet. He leaped backwards and realized Vivian did that. He looked at the brunette and pictured her suffocating. Vivian clawed at her mouth. Henry loosened his grip and she gasped for breath. Anger crossed her face. A missile flew at Henry. He covered his face, as it disappeared. She did this for a reminder of the missiles they've thrown at her.

"You can't win. You die today." Henry snapped. Vivian's body erupted in flames. She screamed. A sick grin appeared on Henry's face. Vivian screamed even louder. Henry's smile grew at his victory and then the smile deflated. 

"I'm not doing this." His mouth fell open. The flames rolled off Vivian's body and onto the ground. The rooftop became engulfed in flames. Then the building shook, vigorously. Henry cowered to the ground. Violent screams pushed into his head. He cried out in fear. Next, everything came to a stop. The fire disappeared, the building stood still, and the screams subsided. Henry got up and looked around. Another very important thing was gone. Vivian.

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