Happy Birthday

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Shuichi came home from work to a seemingly empty house, "Kaede, honey I'm home"

A giggle was heard coming from behind the couch.

"Who's there?!" Shuichi yelled.

The blonde came out, "Happy Birthday Shuichi!"

Shuichi screamed a bit but calmed down after realising it was just his wife, "T-thanks Kaede but never do that again"

Kaede gasped, "D-did I scare you?!" I-I'm sorry!"

Shuichi frantically waved his hands around, "N-no, it's ok, Love"

Kaede smiled, hugging him.

"I have a present for you, close your eyes," Kaede said.

Shuichi nodded, closing his eyes.

"Put your hand out," The pianist said and Shuichi did as she said.

She placed something in his hand, "Open your eyes"

He opened his eyes to see a positive pregnancy test in his hand, "N-no way"

Kaede giggled, "Is that a good present?"

He nodded, tightly hugging her, "Yes!"

She smiled, "I knew you'd like it. I made cake"

The detective's eyes light up, "Really?"

"Yeah... I got Miu and Maki to help me though," She laughed nervously, "Come to the kitchen"

He followed her as he had no choice, he was holding her hand, they walked into a darkly lit kitchen and the lights turned on revealing all of their friends.

"Happy birthday Shuichi!" They all cheered.

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