Here's my story heheh

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Ok so it was a normal day at the Wolf Zircus (is that how you spell it? i dunno), and of course there were our three main bitches in the middle cause why the fuck not.

"Mkay so we're gonna do another trick today and it's gonna be perfect or I will cry." Papi a.k.a gay sunlord said.

uhhhhhh shit idk what to do uhhhh lmao something will come to me i just know it. Oh i know..

"Well as long as you don't interfer.." Popee replied, pretty much getting annoyed at the sight of his (maybe) dad. Kedamono just nodded cause he's a cinnamon roll and such a happy little chap (eHHH i wanna hug him).

Ok so now Papi's gone to drink tea or some shit and Kedamono is just sitting on a box waiting for Popee to come and reveal what his trick is. And speak of the devil, he comes with some knifes. Oh no, not the knifes. Keda could just feel the vietnam flashbacks replaying in his brain.

"Uh, Popee, this trick won't cause any injuries (like it did the zillion last times) will it?" The purple doggo asked, a little nervous.

"Naaa, this is gonna be a good one Keda. Just watch.." The clown boy replied.

Then, he started juggling the fucking knifes. Holy shit. Why?! He's gonna die! What a fucking dumbass. Now Kedamono started to panic.

"P-Popee! I don't think this is such a good idea!" The wolf whimpered, waving his arms in a 'stop' motion.

"Yeah.." The juggling stopped. Thank god. "I guess it is a little boring.."


Suddenly, he got a unicycle from god knows where (maybe out his ass? idfk) And started riding round on it AND juggling the knifes AND SOMEHOW THEY WERE ON FIRE?! HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!

Keda's anxiety levels were literally off the scale. His friend tomented him so much that he didn't know why the narrator called Poppe his friend but he still cared for the maniac nontheless. He shot up and chased after Popee, trying to stop him somehow.

"Oh, you want to try too?" Popee asked with a huge, creepy ass smile.

Next thing the doggo knew, he was juggling fucking bombs. Why was Popee such an asshole? Anyway, Keda frantically ran in circles trying to find somewhere to dispose of the bombs before they exploded. Aha! There was an emty space of the vast desert he could chuck them towards. So Kedamono threw all his bombs at the waste land just before they exploded.


Popee went flying.

Wait, Popee went flying?!


For some fucking unknown reason, Popee had wheeled himself over to that area just when Keda threw the bombs. Man, what a coisidence. Well, Popee kinda deserved that anyway (lmao).

Well after that, Popee smack landed on the sand with a painful groan. Keda ran straight over to him (with a teary, regretful mask) like the good pupper he is. Even Papi spotted the fucking almost dead furry and came over. He crossed his arms and shook his head, a sign that Popee screwed up again.

Soon after a little bit of nursing by wolf child, Popee was pretty triggered. His trick failed again!


"So, what did we learn today Popee?" Papi asked.

"Not to be a fucking retard and hope I was adopted."


"Ok son your grounded go to your fucking tent and don't ever disrespect me again."

"uHHGGG FINE JESUS MAN!" God, Popee sounded like a fucking teenager.

He shuffled to his tent to started to make a plan on how to assassinate Papi.

Now it was just doggo and sun man.

"Wanna go watch a show?" Keda asked.

"I'd be delighted to." Papi replied with a smile.

In the end, the two bitches sat on chairs, ate chicken and watched that dancing alien girls show that was so incedibly funny for some reason.

The end, bitch.

Some Stupid Popee the Performer FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now