Welcome to Konoha

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"Goddamnit Eugene open up already! Shit!" Delsin said stomping on the door to Eugene's hideout. "I'm coming! Crap! Be patient!" Eugene said from the other side. Delsin just sighed, very annoyed.

'Eugene had the audacity to call me over here and now he just decided to take his time to open the trap door. If he wasn't my friend, I would totally kick his ass!' Delsin thought. Delsin was broken out of thought when Eugene came to the door and opened it.

"About time! I thought I had enough time to walk over to a café and get a coffee and a donut and walk back over here" I said sarcastically. "Yeah yeah whatever, just get down here I wanna show you something. Trust me it's so cool!" Eugene said excitedly as he dragged Delsin in by his sleeve. "Hey! Watch it!" Delsin shouted.

As they reached a room full of tv monitors. "So have you heard from Fetch? I've been trying to get ahold of her" Eugene asked. "Oh she's visiting a cousin in New York. Not gonna be back in a couple of weeks. So what's this new project you wanted to show me?" Delsin said.

"Oh! Yeah, you remember when we first met and we fought in this other dimension?" Eugene asked. "Yeah, though you look like a nerd, you made me work for my video powers" Delsin smirked. Eugene blushed from praise in his strength. "Anyway, I came up with a way for you to transmit yourself through TV monitors as well. Though not on the same scale as me, you'll get around nicely".

"So you're saying that I can go through video games now?! Awesome!" Delsin said excitedly. "Actually......video games are too complex for you to transmit yourself into because you need to control the power of the game constantly and with your level of video powers..... channel surfing is more your speed" Eugene explained. "Oh......but still cool!".

"Alright....now to transmit yourself, just feel your body disnter- wait! Delsin don't just....." Too late by the time Eugene started talking, Delsin already jumped into a random Tv monitor. "Oh boy" Eugene said.

(With Delsin)

Delsin then appeared in a nice forest with the wind blowing against his face. A nice spring weather. The sun hitting his back but not to hot though. 'where am I?' Delsin thought as he started walking straight forward it was a long path.

'this place is.... peaceful. So quiet and the smell just makes me want to live outdoors. What is this place?'
Delsin thought. He kept walking untill he saw gigantic gate that looked like the opening of a village. He walked up to it was about to walk in when a guy just jumped out of nowhere and landed in front of him.

"State your business" he said. "What?" Delsin said dumbly. "State your business here". Delsin just looked blankly at  the man. He had this headband on but had a metal piece with a symbol on it, he also wore this big green ugly jacket with a big red swirl on the back.

"Well I'm....ah.. civilian... looking for asylum in this town" Delsin lied. "Well you're going to have to talk to Hokage-sama so she could decide" the man said. "Uh okay" Delsin said confused. 'huh? Hokage-sama? What the hell is this place?' Delsin thought.

"Follow me Hey Kotesu! I'm going to show this guy to Lady Tsunade! Be right back!" The guy said. "Alright Izumo (is that his name?) Just hurry back, man guard duty sucks" The guy named Kotesu said. "Yeah yeah" Izumo said as he walked off with Delsin right behind him.

They were walking for a while. Izumo was just walking ahead, not paying attention to anything but Delsin on the other hand was gawking at pretty much everything. 'this place is huge! The Streets is so crowded with people. This is the ideal of peace' Delsin thought.

Just then, a body flew past them. It was like a flash....or in other words an orange flash. Then he just saw pink flash run to the orange wearing guy on the ground and started strangling the life out of this guy. Delsin was about to step in and help the guy but Izumo spoke up. "Man that poor Naruto. Always on the other end to that terrifying strength".

Delsin and Naruto [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now