Reunited! Team Conduit Assemble!

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The way back to Konoha was silent as it'll ever be. After they found Delsin and Naruto in that clearing in the woods, They went back on the trail of finding Sasuke. One of Naruto's clones actually ran into him so they knew of his location.

As they were following him, a man in an orange mask appeared and interfered with them getting to Sasuke. The man revealed him self to be Tobi and is apparently.....he's a good boy. Delsin sighed as he remembered fighting that lunatic.


The group was walking as Naruto was leading cause he knew where Sasuke was headed. "Come on guys! this way!". When they reached another clearing, they saw Naruto falling back. Luckily, Delsin was right behind him and stopped him with one hand.

"Whoa! Careful there, Naruto! I'd almost say you're.....falling for me?" Delsin said. No one laughed at his terrible joke. In fact, they were all glaring at him for going for an easy joke. Even harmless Hinata was not impressed. "Oh come on! You know that was at least slightly funny!"

"I thought it was!" a voice said. Everyone looked up to see this orange masked man wearing Akatsuki robes. Everyone immediately got into their battle stances as they saw him. "Oh hello there! Nice to meet you Konoha ninja! How many are, two, three...nine! Nine against one! So unfair!"

Everyone looked at this man in an odd way. Delsin saw this man as a clear distraction to stop them from getting to Sasuke and Itachi. He looked at Naruto who smirked at the Akatsuki member. As he looked up , he saw another Naruto behind the masked ninja with a charged Rasengan

"Get out of our way!" he shouted and shot out his hand to thrust the Rasengan in the man's back but surprisingly, the clone went right through him. No smoke. No movement. No jutsu use whatsoever. The man stayed still as Naruto....passed through him as nothing even happened.

Delsin was surprised as was everyone. Naruto on the ground jumped up and brought out a kunai and attacked only to be kicked in the face. "Wow suck" the man teased as Naruto was launched into a pond near the clearing. But as soon as he landed, Naruto stood up and glared at him.

'Okay, frontal attacks won't work. How about a surprise attack...' Delsin thought as Kurama and Isobu smirked at him, though he didn't know. His hand was covered in pixels and made a fist. Suddenly, Angels came crashing down on the man. "Ahhhhg!" he screamed as the force was so strong that it broke through the thick branch he was standing on.

Delsin smirked as did everyone else as they thought they got him only to be disappointed when he stepped out of the crater with no damage done to him whatsoever. "Ohh! You're that kid Leader-sama warned us about! Delsin Rowe.....Can I have your autograph?! Tobi has been a good boy, I promise!"

Everyone was disturbed by this. "You know of their leader, Delsin-san" Shino asked. "Yeah, I think so. I met him back in Ame when I had to save Jiraya-sama from dying. His name was Pein, correct?" Delsin asked. "Oh! So you know of our leader! He must be so famous! Of course he is Tobi....he's a god!"

Delsin was getting annoyed with this guy. Just who was he? 'He must be extremely powerful cause if I were Pein, the only way this loser was wearing my robes is if he was as strong if not stronger than me' he thought as Kurama started laughing. Isobu however was very serious.

'Focus on the battle, Delsin-kun. This is serious' She said. Delsin nodded and looked at them. "Is he using some sort of Space Time Ninjutsu Kakashi-sempei?" Yamato asked. Kakashi shook his head. "Doubt it. This is very troubling...Naruto and Delsin's attacks seem to be slipping right through him. But how?".

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