Confessions And New Relations

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If Delsin could describe himself in one word at the moment it would be a simple word everyone uses pretty much everyday.


A few days ago, the whole Hokage assassination really shook the whole village, even if the Hokage was alright. Delsin heard stories that there were hundreds of dead civilians rising from the grave to attack the Shinobi on Kazuma's control.

Apparently, Kazuma was a the father of the partly Jinchuuriki, Sora, who was relatively a good guy, just a little too arrogant for his taste but he can kinda relate as he knew how the saying went 'Takes one to know one'.

Everyone who was Chunin and up (Including Delsin) had to remove the dead bodies and put them back in there rightful place. Delsin commented they should just burn the bodies to avoid future problems like this but that just got him glares from civilians and shinobi alike so he just followed orders like everyone else.

The next day was okay as he took Tsunade out on that 'date' he 'asked' her out on. I mean he had nothing else better to do except avoid Asuma. Apparently he heard about the date he had with Kurenai and what he didn't know was that Asuma had a thing for Kurenai and if what Delsin heard from a guy at a nearby bar was correct, Asuma wasn't too pleased with him.

It wasn't like he didn't enjoy Tsunade's company, he just wasn't sure if she felt the same for him. The date itself was amazing and he was clearly wrong in his assumption that Tsunade didn't like him as she was clearly lusting after him as he wore his new look to lunch. After that Delsin was pretty much forced into the Hokage room in the Tower and pretty much forced to have hot and rough sex with her....not that he minded of course.

He concluded after that experience that this place is really turning him into pervert. Delsin then ran into Shizune who requested to be taken could he not? He promised her a date a little later on next week due to training and promising of TenTen a date. She nodded and kissed his cheek, telling him she'll be waiting.

Honestly, he didn't know how he does it. But he just does it. What happened next surprised him. He saw one of Hana's dogs, Imara, hanging with Kōdai in his apartment. Delsin was so shocked, he didn't even know how to deal. When he was supposed to be training, his wolf companion is out here trying to catch a girlfriend. He just walked in his room and fell to sleep.

Next day was even more tiring. Turns out, Imara didn't go home last night and Hana and some members of the Inuzuka clan were worried sick for here. Hana went to his apartment, to get his help on finding her. When he opened the door slowly, due to his sleepiness, Hana barges in and sees Imara cuddling with Kōdai on the couch.

She screamed so loud Delsin swore it was a bullhorn. Fortunately, it was a scream of joy cause Imara finally found someone to mate with and soon would come pups. Delsin gave Kōdai a glare went he heard the wolf say they already mated but sighed in relief when he said they weren't expecting any pups yet.

Unfortunately for him, Hana was too excited that she launched herself into Delsin and hugged the crap out of him and he lost balance and fell on the floor. When Delsin's back reached the floor, Hana's lips landed right on his. Both their eyes widened but Hana just melted into it and so did Delsin. Soon some clothes started flying and groping and licking and they had a beautiful day together.

When Delsin woke up, he noticed Hana was on him and they were both in his bed...naked. Delsin just sighed and smoke dashed out of the room and had a quick shower and left a note saying he went to train so Hana wouldn't think he ditched.

As he reached a nearby training ground, he just started doing warm-ups and some Chakra control exercises. He did the usual katas of the Ookami Taijutsu style. He also started practicing that A-RANK fire jutsu. Fire Style: Firing Biscuit jutsu. Delsin finally mastered the jutsu but just went through the handseals again and again so he could remember them.

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