2.Poor Ryder

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He never said hi to my nor acknowledge my presence,all this years we've known each other and he never even said hi the only thing he ever did was comment on my pictures on ig nothing else for God sakes he never even looked at me and he has the balls to go wrapping his arms around me no! what made him cha-

"KYLIE! what are you gonna wear?!" Nicki shouted taking me out of my train of thoughts.

"I don't know,why?" I shouted back.

"So we could match,by the way why are you taking so long?"Nicki asked.

"Just thinking" I answered.
"Nothing nothing" I said while turning off the shower. Once I dried myself i wrapped the towel around my body and opened the door.

"Nicki" I shouted.
"In here" she said popping her head out of my closet,walking towards her I asked "what the hell are you doing?"

"Searching for some clothes"
"can you pass me some aero jeans"
"High waisted?" Did she not know me of course high waisted Nicki.

"Duh" I say with a hole lot of bitchiness,playfully of course.
She throws me the pair of jeans me perfectly catching them making her glare.

I chuckled walking to my dresser getting some PINK black underwear and a matching bra,once I dance the frog dance to get in my jeans I walked back to my closet to find a shirt.

"Can a borrow some underwear?" Nicki asked a pair of high waisted jeans in her hands.

"You don't even have to ask Nicki"

"I know but you know 'Manners" she says emphasizing the words 'manners'.

I chuckled again while She walked to my dresser and grabbed a pair of underwear then walked back to the closet grabbing a white body suit then headed to the bathroom.

I grabbed a blue crop
sweatshirt with a rose right on the boob and head to the other door on the side of my walk in closet to grab a pair of black Dc.martins.

After I'm done I go to my vanity and put on some mascara,eyeliner.

Once I'm done I head to my brothers room.

" Ethan"I said peeking my head through the door.

"Can I borrow your car?" I asked.
"I don't wanna take my jeep"I said with a shrug.

"Can you just take the Mercedes?"he asked

You must be thinking we are some spoiled brats but we are not, well I'm not my brother is a brat but are parents make us work hard for are grades if we get lower then a C are wish can not be granted if we do get higher then a C wish is granted.

My dad bought the Mercedes for me and my brother at the age of 16 because we got straight As at the end of the semester.

Then at age 17 he bought us both are dream cars for are birthdays but we still had to study are ass of to get them.

"Nope I want your car"I say popping the p.

He rolls his eyes and throws me the keys.
I quickly catch them before they fall on the floor i whispered a quick 'thank you' and make my way to my room.

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