light clan

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Light clan is a kind yet strong clan. There pelts shine under the sun and there eyes gleam a bright light. There green forests are flushed with leaves in green-leaf, and the white snow glimmers brightly in leaf-bare. There prey is light, they try not to eat a lot so there swifter, but when they do eat they mostly eat, small mice, rabbit, or baby bird. Even though light clan is a kind and peaceful clan, they do attack if needed, there moves are get as low to the ground as possible, cycle the enemy and once they found there rents soft spot, SLASH!, they attack. There elders do eat most of the food, alongside the queens. The elders days start at 185 moons old, and warriors start there days at 125 moons old.

Leader: longstar (short hair tan colored she)

Deputy : oaktail (long hair brown tabby tom)

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