Moonstars last life

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Her milky pelt was sweld in blood as she took short hard breaths. Her blue eyes leaked her tears of pain. Her neck lashed open from the bager attacks. Her ocean blue eye slowly closed as she gazed at the night sky above her. Fast paw steps slaming to ground snapped her awake.

"moonstar!" yowled the jet black apprentice, crowpaw. As he got closer he slowed down, his green eyes gleaming with greif for his mentor "moonstar.... " he mew softly, he sat down next to her bloody body. "crowpaw.... Tell amber tail... Th-at your mentor WI-ll be mouse-tail" she coupes up "no! Your gonna live! I won't let you die!" he yowled in grief. She let out a small chuckle fallowed bye a series of coughs "why are you laughing?" her meowed letting out a small tear.

"young crowpaw, you were a fine apprentice, kind and fast, a spirit that will live on" she meowed softly "I am afraid it I-s my time to goin solar clan" she new,  her eyed closed letting into the darkness. "solar clan? Wait! No! You can't leave me!" he yowled. What is solar clan? Crowpaw wounderd to himself. Crowpaw latest down next to the dead leaders body.  His green eyes wetting as tears flowed down his black muzzle.

After that night crowpaw  saw her every night, till he joined her as crowwing. Now every cat that goes to the moonlight pool to get there nine lives, they see her, and many you to,  comment  down below a warrior name you want in my new book, INTO THE LIGHT!

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