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eds the meds has requested to send you a message

eds: yo !!!!

richie: sup E

eds: pfft

richie: okay what's up?

eds: im bored

richie: do you want me to come entertain you

eds: naSTY

richie: ;)

eds: shush

richie: you're really cute eddie spaghetti

eds: 1.) dont call me that

richie: what's 2

eds: heh

richie: okkayyy

eds: heY can i ask you something ?

richie: yeah buddy

eds: do you like guys or girls?

richie: im gay

eds: im bi :D

richie: gay buds

eds: do you like me?

richie; i mean of course

eds: wait do you likE,, LIKE LIKE ME

richie: pfft you're adorable

eds: this iS wiLd i like you too !! a lot!!!!

richie: aww


richie: i wish i could hug you :(

eds: saaaaaaame

richie: :((((

eds: can i ask you another thing ???

richie: ask away

eds: do you maybe like?? want to be my boyfriend or something ???

eds: you don't have to!!!! i understand!!!!!!!

eds: heY it was dumb anyways just forget it

eds: im sorry

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