Final Chapter 30

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9 years later...

Flash forward of my life.

Clayton and I graduated with Bianca, Silvia, Joey, Garret and Carter. Bianca went on to write for the New York times after she got excepted into NYU. You should've seen her face when she got the acceptance letter. Silvia went onto beauty school to learn about cosmetics and hair products. We're still friends till this day. Joey went with us, going to a university nearby. Garret went onto be an inventor. Turns out he was good at science and math. Him and Bianca are in a long distance relationship and I'm pretty sure my OTP will make it through! Carter moved away from our city a while ago after graduation, he wanted to travel the world. And Clayton and I decided to stay in this little city and start a family. I took over my dads position as the head of the company but I still make time to see my family everyday. Clayton works at the fire station down town with all his firefighter friends. Nikki stays at home with Mercy, our nanny, while we head off to work everyday.

My father retired from his job, living the life in Hawaii. Dakota moved away with Melanie to a new city. He wanted a life away from where our mother died and he thought it would be too much for Melanie. I wish I could see them again but I had to look after my little one. His name is Nikki and the one on the way is going to be Octavia. Yep, I'm pregnant and working.  Clayton took sometime off and I am putting in for time off. It's my day off today and I'm spending it with Clayton and Nikki.

"Hey, Nikki. Do you want to see your surprise?" I asked, seeing the way his eyes lite up at the word surprise makes me feel proud.

"Yeah, mamma, yeah!" He shouted, hurrying into my arms.

"Oof." I emphasized, lifting my baby boy and walking down into the basement. Down there was  a surprise he will never forget.

Clayton was already downstairs, making sure that the  surprise doesn't run away. I covered my child's eyes before walking down the rest of the stairs. "Are you ready Nikki?"

He nodded his head eagerly, his mop of dirty blonde hair falling into his eyes. I uncovered his eyes and gasped loudly. His eyes widened in surprise as I let him down softly. Nikki went running over to the puppy sitting on the ground. The puppy was a mastiff. It came trotting over to our son. Clayton had a huge grin on his face while I had the smallest of smiles.

"Mommy! Daddy! I love him!" He yelled, playing with the dog.

"Whats his name, Nikki?" Clayton asked.

"His name issss..." He tapped his chin lightly. "Bailey!"

"What a great name, kiddo." Clayton walked over to our son and ruffled his brownish blonde hair. "Lets go upstairs and you and Bailey can play in the living room."

Nikki nodded frantically, calling Bailey to follow him, which the dog did immediately. Today was our son's birthday and he had always wanted a dog so we got him a rescue. When I saw that big smile on his face, it brightened my whole day, he would be the best owner. Someday he will do great things.

Clayton and I followed our energetic little 4 year old up the stairs. We watched as he found the little toys we set up in the living room and grabbed them, playing tug of war with him. His little fits of laughter and giggles of joy rang throughout the house as we watched them play with each other. It was adorable.

Nikki would grow up to be a smart and independent little boy. He would find a nice girlfriend or boyfriend, if it comes to that, and get through high school without trying to be killed by his mother.

"Hey princess?" I looked at Clayton.

"Yes?" A smile lite up his face just like Nikki's.

"If I hadn't gone through with that dare, we wouldn't have been here today. It was all kind of worth it." Clayton said, smiling down at me, his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"You're right. And if my mom hadn't kidnapped me then I wouldn't have confessed my undying love to you." We laughed together.

"True." Clayton chuckled. "I love you princess. You and our children are all I could ask for." 

"I love you too, Clayton. " He gave me a sweet passionate kiss before we both looked back to find Nikki being attacked with dog licks.

He was giggling loudly, pushing Bailey away from his face. That's when I knew that we were meant to go through all of this. We were meant to get hurt and feel betrayed, and that it would all come out a okay. We were meant to feel the pain and go through life in the hardest way possible to get the best thing in the world in the end.

Nikki, Clayton, Bailey, and Octavia are all I could ask for. Clayton looked at me, smiling and hugging me closer to him. This life was something that was given to me.

This is...

All I Want.

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