Day 20

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"I'm going to go find a doctor to help me with my needs while you can explore or something, but don't leave without me"

That was the last time Jaehwan saw PD Kim before he ran who knows where. Jaehwan observed the hospital. It's just like the hospitals you see in dramas: injured people by the side, doctors and nurses running in and out the hospital, some people crying and so on.

Jaehwan walked towards the center of the hospital where the reception is. He approaches the middle aged lady working at the desk.

"Excuse me, but do you know which room Park Eunwoo is in?"

"What's your relationship with Ms.Eunwoo?"

"I'm a friend of hers."

"Well only guardians or members of the family may visit the patient."

"I was told by Doctor Jin to come visit since her guardians are not available at the moment"

"If that's the case, Park Eunwoo is in room 101"

Room 101? Coincidence? That was what Jaehwan was thinking when he heard the number of the room. He walked throughout the hospital until he saw the sign where it usually says where the rooms are. When he saw the number 101 on the wall, he walked where the number 101 was pointed.

Jaehwan had finally found the room 101. As he entered the room, he sees two beds, but one of them was empty while the other bed's curtain was drawn. To make sure he wasn't bothering a random patient, he checked the clipboard where all the information is held.

There he saw the name Park Eunwoo written across the board. He saw Eunwoo's photo and it's her passsport photo. Jaehwan remembered the day where Eunwoo was complaining to him about how she hate her passport photo. Her eye bags were very visible and it looked liked she hadn't slept for days. Jaehwan laughed silently recalling the memory.

Jaehwan pulled the drawn curtain slightly and saw Eunwoo lying in bed. To him, she looked dead. Pale skin, visible and colourful veins, a bunch of wires connected to her and this was all caused by a cat. Eunwoo's allergic reaction was severe, one of the worst he has seen.

He walked slowly towards Eunwoo, to her sides. He never realised how unappealing she looks when she's quiet and lifeless. Jaehwan just wanted to see the normal cheerful Eunwoo again. He closed his eyes and was about to cry when


Jaehwan opened his eyes, he sees Eunwoo awake and hands opened just like a ghost. As he wiped his tears away, Eunwoo is in a hysterical fit.

"Oh my Jaehwan. Are you crying? Aw you look so cute like a little baby crying for his mama"

"Shut up. You're so mean you know."

"I know I'm mean, but it took you 5 years of friendship to realize? I'm hurt"

"You're hurt?! I'm cried thinking about you!"

"Woah okay. I'm sorry. I didn't know it would affect you this much"

"It's okay. Not your fault"

"Wel you're making me feel like it's my fault"

"It is your fault, but I'm trying to be nice and say it's not your fault"


"It's okay, so moving on. How did you end up in the hospital?"

"I was walking down the street when I saw a Mom cat with her 5 baby cats an-"

"Kittens, they are called kittens"

"What are called kittens?"

"Never mind. Just go on"

"So as I was saying, I saw a mom cat and her 5 baby cats. They were all meowing like they were calling me to touch them. So I went closer to touch them and play with them, but the next thing I know is that I end up in the hospital waking up to you crying."

"So you're in the hospital because of cats?!? Oh my god. Be careful next time will you?"

"Just be glad I didn't get into a car accident or someone tried to kill me and I ended up with Amnesia. At least, my life is not a fanfic"

"Car accident? Murder Attempt? Amnesia? Fanfic!? What are you talking about, Park Eunwoo? "

An Update for you guys?
If you guys have any ideas on what to write next, please do dm me about it. Kind of running out of ideas 😅

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