Day 21

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"I'm finally out of that hosptial. You know how boring it is to be there?"  Eunwoo skipping out of the hospital happily as Jaehwan trails behind her.

"I know. You complained to me about it almost everyday. I even got in trouble with the trainers because my phone was ringing with your notifications"

"Well I'm sorry I express my thoughts in a way that you find annoying"

"Sure, you're sorry"

"I am sorry!"

"Yea I know. That's why I said sure"

Eunwoo's stomach grumbles and shows a sheepish smile to Jaehwan. Jaehwan sighs as he knew what Eunwoo is gonna say next.

"Anyways, let's go eat some food"

"You pay or I'll pay?"

"Same like it had always been. You pay of course"

"I thought you were actually gonna pay this time"

"Hell no."

"Why the hell no?"

"Because I'm broke 24/7"

"You always say that"

"And you always pay, so let's not change our tradition"

Eunwoo skips faster this time trying to get out of Jaehwan's reach.


"You know why this beef taste so good?"

Eunwoo asks with her mouth full of food, so as she talks, bits of food kept spitting out. Jaehwan just laughed at her slapstick comedy act. It's been long Jaehwan had went out with Eunwoo since Produce 101 and he realises he misses those moments. Jaehwan had also realised how much Eunwoo has grown. He used to grow up with a dorky and idiotic girl and now he's sitting across one amazing and beautiful girl.

"Uh, hello? Earth to Jaehwan? Why are you smiling so weirdly?"

"Huh? Sorry, I spaced out a bit and no, I don't know why the beef tastes so good."

"Because you're paying for it"  She laughs at her own joke while he just smiles, not caring about paying one bit.

"Very funny. Ever thought of becoming a comdian?"

"Nope, I already got a job"

"Being a waitress?"

"No again. Being Bae Jinyoung's no1 supporter is my job"

"Whatever you say no1 supporter. Hurry up and eat, there's a few places I wanna take you."

"Yay, more trips."

"Yay indeed"  He said in a sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

"So where are we going Mr. Uber driver?"

"You did not just call me an Uber driver?" He turns to his side looking at her with disbelief.

"Oh yes, I did." She flips her hair purposely hitting Jaehwan in the face.

"Whatever, we're close anyways to our destination , so just hold on."

"Hold on to what?"

"Hold on to me." Jaehwan winks at her and laughs. She just sits there speechless to what Jaehwan had did.

The two have arrived at a park near the outskirts of Seoul. Eunwoo's eyes immediately lit up reminsincing the old memories of her and Jaehwan. Her most memorable childhood memories were at this Playground.

As the two sat on the swings which were empty, Jaehwan leans in while Eunwoo immediately backens away.
"Thanks for the lunch and paying and for bringing me here Jaehwan" Eunwoo spoke with the most sincere words.

The two were at an empty playground, the atmosphere was calm and quiet unlike the both of them. Jaehwan just smiles at her, purely. As Eunwoo sits on one of the swings Jaehwan sits himself next to her, she notices Jaehwan carrying a massive instrumental bag carrying a guitar.

"Why'd you bring your guitar?" She asks curiously pointing to his guitar.

"Because I wanted to show you something special I've prepared for you" Jaehwan says as he unzips the casing for his guitar, carefully he takes it out and warms up his voice. Eunwoo raises a brow and crosses her arms. He starts strumming his guitar gently and takes a deep breath.

"If I look at you and smile, you should know

I've already looked at you and smiled so many times today

If I keep talking to you, you should feel it

I keep staying by your side

From some point, I started liking you

You fool

Why don't you know my heart?

When are you going to stop being so dumb?

And only treat me as a friend?

'Cause that's not what I want"

He continues singing to her, as if the lyrics were made for her

"Sending you a sign, sending a signal

Electric electric electric electric

I want you, I want you

But why aren't you reacting?"

A teen who was passing by stopped by her footsteps and glared at them weirdly, noticing the song she danced along. "Sending you a sign, sending a signal. Electric electric electric electric. I want you, I want you. But it's why aren't you reacting?"

As Jaehwan finishes singing, Eunwoo happily claps to his peformance. After the little show, he put back his guitar in the guitar bag.

"That was amazing Jaehwanie"

"Thank you Eunwoonie?"
He laughed at what he had called her because of how childish it sounds.

"Why'd you sing that song though? Is it like one of your missions?"

"Nope, if you listen properly, I was trying to tell you something" He winked at her hoping she gets his "signal".

"You were telling me signal?" She tilts her head to the side. It's always have been a habit of hers to tilt her head when asking a question.

"Yea, I was telling you something, so try and guess"


"Yes. Yes. Go on"  Jaehwan had his hopes high, thinking Eunwoo finally gets what he's trying to say. Sadly, he had raised his hopes too high.

"Yea, that's it. You were telling me signal. You sang signal so many times, I'm guessing you're telling me signal." She smiles innocently as she thinks she has guessed Jaehwan's "signal" correctly.

Jaehwan facepalms as he knows his "signal" will never reach Eunwoo because of how dense she is. He stood up from the swings and stomps his car, leaving the female behind.

"Jaehwan-ah wait for me!"

New Year, New Update?
It's already 2018 and I haven't done anything productive with my life .-.

Credits to whaehh for helping me write this chapter. Check her amazing books out, it's gold compared to mine. Lel.

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