chapter five

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two weeks later


"thanks mom, love you!"

"thankyou mrs tozier!"

"you're welcome boys!"

me and eddie smiled as we closed the 'door' of our fort, winding up our torches so we weren't in complete darkness. we took our hot chocolates from the plate they were set on and took a sip each, i giggled when eddie caught his nose in the whipped cream.


he asked innocently, his big brown eyes wide in confusion. i laughed harder, nearly spilling my drink.


he started laughing too now, sounding like a baby. it was adorable.

"y-you ha-"

i couldn't finish my sentence due to my continuous cackling, so instead i just leant forward until my face was centimetres apart from eddie's. i heard his breath hitch slightly as i leant even closer. without thinking, i licked the dollop of cream that was on his nose, sitting back and giggling to myself.

it took a second for him to register what i'd done, but once he did he scowled and wiped at his nose furiously, muttering about germs under his breath.

i laughed even harder.

"god richie that's fuckin gross! do you know how disgusting you are sometimes? i don't know what's worse; your tongue touching ny nose or my nose being touched by your tongue."

he tried to keep an angry face but soon broke and joined in laughing with me, the sound was almost musical.

"i hate you, tozier."

"love you too, kaspbrak."

he stopped laughing and blushed a little bit, looking down and playing with his hands. i coughed, regaining my composure.

i picked up my hot chocolate and ate a marshmallow from it before taking a sip, looking directly at eddie.

"hey, we should play truths."

he rolled his eyes, muttering a "whatever" as he got comfortable against the pillows.

"okay, you have to answer honestly. or you'll be braking a trust, okay? and you only get one pass."

he nodded.

"yeah yeah okay."

i smiled, cracking my knuckles mischievously.

"who's your crush?"


oh man, i should have seen this coming. richie only really ever asks to play truths when he wants to get something out of me or someone else.

i thought about it for a second. i didn't think i had a crush on anybody, but part of me wasn't so sure. thinking about it confused me too much.


richie's face dropped.

"what? no! you can't do that! you have to answer that one, please?"

i smirked, knowing that i'd somehow managed to escape it this time.

"nuh uh, that wasn't a rule. the rules are you get one pass and the rest you answer truthfully. you never said when i can and can't use it. sorry rich, i win this time."

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