chapter eleven

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richie set a plate down beside me as we both sat lazily on the kitchen counter, legs dangling off the edge. this was so unhygienic, and it made me gip to think about our butts being on a place where food is made, but for now i couldn't find it in me to protest. i was content.

he began to eat his pancakes, already having drowned them in a sickening amount of maple syrup. i smiled as i watched him get it all over his mouth.

i picked up my plate of two pancakes, biting my lip. i wanted to eat them, trust me, i did. but i couldn't. i knew that if i tried eating the whole plate of food i would just throw it back up again, and that wasn't something richie needed to see. he didn't need any more reasons to think i was weird, there was still some unresolved tension about last night and the incident.

i broke a bit of the pancake off with my fork, putting it in my mouth and chewing slowly, praying to god i'd be able to handle at least a mouthful. i continued this until at least half of one of my pancakes was gone, an uneasy feeling having already settled in my stomach. i couldn't take anymore, i would surely be sick. i looked over to see richie finishing the last of his, turning to me and smiling goofily. he furrowed his eyebrows and swallowed as he saw my plate.

"you not eating yours, eddie spaghetti?"

i shook my head hesitantly, trying to sound normal.

"i-no. i'm...not hungry. do you want them?"

he looked thoughtful for a moment but then shrugged, taking out the maple syrup and creating a mess of my plate before eating the rest of my pancakes. i was relieved that he hadn't asked anymore questions, but at the same time i almost wished he had. maybe if he'd carried on prying then i would have been able to tell him what was going on and he could have helped.

it was a stupid thought, i decided. i wasn't going to tell him. not about this, not about anything. he didn't need to know.

i was pulled back to reality when i heard giggling from beside me. i looked over at richie confusedly as he stared down at our kicking legs, laughing.

"what's so funny?"

i asked, not understanding why our socks were so amusing. he only laughed harder, looking at me.

"you're fucking tiny."

i looked down too, seeing that my legs ended near enough where his knees were. my feet were just over half the size of his.

"what the fuck! am not!"

i said angrily, crossing my arms whilst trying to keep a straight face. he laughed louder, making me giggle too.

"hey, hey ed's, can you even get down from here on your own?"

he began to cackle breathlessly, bending over as gasps escaped his mouth. i realised that i probably couldn't. richie had lifted me onto the counter, without him i'd have probably broken something. this made me laugh too, leaving us both heaving a heaving mess as we struggled to breathe. tears escaped his eyes as i had to use my inhaler, almost being unable to due to my incessant cackling.


eventually, we both calmed down. i wiped my leaking eyes as eddie attempted to steady his breathing, both of us letting out tiny giggles every so often.

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