Chapter One

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"Change is a process. It takes time."

Her eyes were watery, red, it was clear that she had been crying. The Mick that had loved her wanted to take his ex-wife in his arms, to comfort her, to tell her everything was ok. How could he say that? When his own heart had been shattered and at her hands.
The truth was that it wasn't her fault. The truth she'd been hiding was to protect him. All the while, he was developing feelings for someone else and Linda had had cancer. Only he hadn't noticed.
"We could've worked this out, Mick."
He continued to hold her stare, a wave of guilt and self-hatred rolling over his body. Linda looked away as she tried to brace herself for what was about to take place.
"No. We couldn't have."
She heard the bitterness in his voice. Although they stood a metre from one another, Linda couldn't see him. The real him.
"So, this is it?"
Mick nodded slowly. He knew she'd be better off. He wanted what was best for Linda and Linda only. And that wasn't him.
"Goodbye, L."
The woman stood in front of him said not a word, instead he heard her crying. That sound was like a dagger ripping through his heart.
"Bye, Mick."
Her throat tightened as she forced out the last real goodbye. She turned her back to him. That was it. She was gone.
Part of Mick was hopeful, waiting, sure that he would be able to take her back into his arms.
But that didn't happen.
+ *time shift*
"Where's Mum?"
Johnny had waited to break the news to her about his graduation. He could imagine her clapping her hands together, screaming 'Aw, Sausage! That's wonderful!" and pulling him close into a tight hug. But he wasn't going to experience any of that. Instead, he was hit with:
"She's gone."
Mick pulled his head up from the kitchen table, his drunken eyes gawping up at his son. He watched as his face twisted with confusion.
"Gone? Wha- when?"
"Last night."
Johnny closed his eyes, allowing a tear to escape. He was training to be a lawyer, he was good at expecting bad news, noticing subtle differences. But this. He didn't expect this at all.
"Do the others know?"
Johnny looked down at his father. The surge of disappointment felt like a hammer welting into Mick's chest as the image of telling his family flashed across his mind.
Four sets a glossy eyes stared back at Mick as he broke the news to his children. The pain tore through his chest and ripped out his already broken heart.
It had taken Ollie a few days to come to terms as he was still only so young. Lee blamed Mick. After days of tension and fighting, he, too, moved out.
In the next few months, Johnny was offered a job and moved away to Manchester. Nancy remained at home and took her time out of her travel with Tam to build a relationship with her youngest brother, Ollie (who'd just started school). Without Nancy's help, the boys probably wouldn't have coped.
After almost six months, Linda contacted Nancy via text message. It read:

Hey. Sorry I haven't spoken to you in a while. I've missed you like crazy but haven't been well enough to come see you *sad emoji*, I didn't want to worry you. Hope you're okay I can come and pick you up on Thursday when the moving van has finished moving my stuff in. I hear Ollie has started school? How was his first day? I love you so much. Lots of love, Mumsy xxxxxxxx

Nancy smiled slightly, relief seeping into her body, washing away the nerves she'd carried for months. She quickly informed the others.
The days leading up to Thursday felt like years. Simultaneous to stepping out of her car outside her old home to collect the four, Johnny, Lee and Nancy threw their arms around their mother. They'd exchanged a few little whispers of 'I've missed you' and 'I'm so glad you're okay' before Linda noticed Ollie wrapped around her thighs. She smiled at the warmth of their bodies. She'd half-expected Mick to come out and greet her, she was half-disappointed that he didn't.
Linda fastened Ollie's seat belt and stepped into the driver's seat. After fastening her own belt, she looked back at Johnny, Lee and Nancy in the back seats.
"I've missed you so much."
Linda looked happy and healthy. Her blonde hair hung gently at her shoulders. She wore a white frilled blouse that exposed her shoulders and a pair of black formal pants.
"So, no more pink?"
A smile played on Linda's lips as she heard Lee's words. She shook her head and started the car.
"I guess that was just a phase. I've got to admit, I feel like a brand new person."
Lee returned a smile.
"How have you guys been?"
That was a stupid question, and Linda probably would've kicked herself if she wasn't driving.
"It's been hard."
Nancy looked at the rear view mirror at her mum.
"This is the first time we've seen Johnny since he moved to Manchester."
Linda's eyes shot to Johnny as she stopped at a red light.
"I got a good job there. Lawyer."
Linda's eyes lit up, as she realised Johnny had graduated.
"Congratulations, Sausage!"
He blushed, but he didn't care. He had his mum back. His happy mum. Linda glanced momentarily at Ollie, who had pulled down the window and had his head out of it. She smiled.
"How's school?"
Ollie turned to look at her, his hair messy from the wind.
"Awesome. I can play cops and robbers with my friends. Also- also..."
Linda smiled at his stammering of excitement.
"Also, I'm married to my girlfriend."
Linda chuckled in mock surprise as Lee reached to the front seat and nudged his brother.
"Get in there, little bro!"
Laughter broke out in the car.
"Looks like we have a little romantic here, Mum."
Linda looked to her side to see Ollie grinning with pride. She didn't even know she was crying until she felt a tear fall from her cheek. This was the feeling she'd waited so long for. A growing warmth in her stomach as she was finally reunited with the people she loved.

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