Messed Up

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My head whips around, not used to hearing that voice say my name.
Baz stands there looking as pale as I have ever see him.There is something else in his eyes that I am not used to seeing.
Once he sees the confusion on my face he growls low and points to something in the distance.
I turn to look at what it is and I see nothing.
"What?" I yell at him, still facing where he pointed.
Then I hear laughing. Low at first but then it grows louder. Even louder now.
It's Baz.
I look at him then and he just keeps laughing. More laughing. And more. And just when I can't take it anymore, just when I think I am going to explode, he stops.
"It's you." He says, still pointing but his arm is starting to shake now.
Then he falls onto the earth below him and he leans into a tree. He starts to laugh again but this time it's different..more like a sob but he isn't crying.
"Stop!" I yell at him "Stop it!"
"It's you, Simon." He tells me, stopping in between each word to laugh.
"What's me? Where is it!"
"Oh Simon, you are so oblivious to the world around you. Can't you see it? Can't you feel it?"
"Feel what?"
"Feel him. The static in your chest. The humdrum."
That's when I realize his eyes are pitch black and his mouth is full of fangs.
"Baz?" I ask and it comes out like a whimper.
He starts to cry now and I run up to him, nearly tripping over a branch.
He stands up, trembling.
"No, Simon stay away." He sobs
I am close enough now that I can hear his sharp breaths.
"You don't understand!"
"Baz stop, stop and listen to me."
"I am so hungry." He sobs
"I know."
"And so tired."
"I know."
I wrap my arms around him and we fall to our knees.
Then I hear laughing again but this time it's not Baz. I look around still holding him, but I can't see who it is. It keeps laughing and Baz keeps crying and I can't think, I can't think.
"Ah, Simon Snow." A kid says
I turn around, leaving Baz, and see him. It's me, but when I was eleven. Dirty white tee shirt and bouncing that stupid red ball. It's the Humdrum.
"Long time no see. Miss me?" He says with a wide grin.
"W-what are you?" I ask him
"You didn't figure out yet?Wow I guess the vampires right, you are oblivious. Oh well, I won't spoil anything yet."
"What do you want?" I say stern this time.
"You."he says
"You. I want you, Simon."
"No! No, no, no, no!" I scream at him running my hands through my hair, and they stay there.
"Oh, I wasn't asking." He laughs
"Y-you can't hurt me!"
"I won't be hurting you. He will be." He says and I turn around.
Baz hovers over me, bearing his fangs. His tears have stopped now and his face is starting to dry.
I stand up fast and grab his shoulders.
"Baz! Baz snap out of this!"I yell at him. My knees start to tremble and I start to wonder if I will make it out alive.
This is it I think this is where it finally ends.
"I am so hungry and you are so full" Baz says and the Humdrum starts to laugh again.
Why so much laughter?
"What did you do to him!" I yell, but my gaze won't leave Baz.
" I gave him some of my nothing," he says "and took some of his something."
"S-Simon leave, I can't control this, whatever this is, anymore." Baz whispers to me, and his eyes go normal.
"Not without you." I tell him
And then a tear goes down his face and I wipe it away.
"Its okay," I whisper "Its going to be okay."
"Ugh! Stop it!" The Humdrum yells "Just kill him already!"
Baz eyes go black again and grabs my head with both hands.
"I told you to run." He sobs and then I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen.
I fall to my knees and start to cough. And then I can't stop and it hurts, it hurts so bad.
I look down at my stomach and its covered in blood. I fall on my back and look up at the sky.
"Simon? Simon! Oh Crowley, what did he do to you?"
Baz appears above me and he's crying and the Humdrum starts to laugh again and I all I can feel is the pain.
I feel his hand go under my neck and his tears fall on my face. I force myself to look him in the eyes. They seem normal now, back to the stormy grey I love.
"Simon?" Baz whimpers
"Yeah?" I manage to say in between coughs
"I'm s-sorry," he sniffs and I rest my hand on his face. The Humdrums laugh grows louder but I only focus on him.
"It's not your fault," I tell him
"But I could've saved you,"
"No you couldn't have."
"I love you."
"I know."
He laughs and then leans down too kiss my forehead and I close my eyes, grateful to leave this messed up world.
Sorry I had to kill him! But I hope you enjoy this, I had lots of fun writing it!

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