Chapter 2 - How did thing go this way?

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Beam's POV

They don't know that I am not that drunk. I am not telling, I am completely sober, but I have definitely drunk less, than my two friends.

When Pha was late, I got pretty pissed, because it supposed to be our night. How whipped one could be to be late from his friends?

So I had an idea to tease our Boss, and carefully started executing it. My original thoughts were, that when he gets drunk and start blabbering about N'Yo, I go against him and contradict his words. But as the night went on, even though I was careful, I became a little tipsy.

Hence my new brilliant idea, a drinking competition with Ai'Pha and Ai'Kit.

"Okay, bring your glasses here Ai'Pha" I order him to put the glasses and the bottle of spirit on the small round table we are sitting around.

"Sooooo, the rules are the following" I smirk at Pha "We all have a shot of alcohol and turn by turn and the one who can't keep up looses. If we loose, we will be your servants for a whole month"

"Shiiaa!" yells Kit as he sways in his seat "But what we will ga...gain if we win?"

I am confident, that even though Pha can hold his liquor well, I have chances to win this. Sorry Ai'Kitty, to drag you in it, but you will thank me later.

"We should experience first hand, how sexy Yo is" of course, I don't think Pha would allow his wife this, but I have an other purpose.

"I can live with that" Ai'Kitty also starts to smirk.

Ai'Pha looks at us, sways and hiccups, then nods his head. I can't believe my luck! I was able to make him drunk enough to accept my terms!!

"Let's start then!"

The first couple of rounds are sill easy. We are all quite experienced with drinking, and this is not our first time with drinking competitions. One round, two round, three round...

Our bottle is half empty now. Ai'Kitty is humming a tune under his nose, while he sways in his chair and smiles at nothing. His eyes are kinda glazed now. I know from experience, he soon reaches his limit. I have seen him like this once some time ago. I still remember that night.

However, Ai'Pha is still seems OK. In the last half an hour, he has drowned 3 shots, but the bastard is still looks the same. I am starting to get nervous. What if I miscalculated? What if me and Kitty has to be slaves for a month? I know my Boss, he will make us work hard for my mistake.

So I brace myself as I pour the fourth round. I also still feel OK, but I can hear that my speech becomes a little slurred.

Fifth round...

Sixth round...

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