Chapter 22

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When we make it to Kotori's house, I'm greatly confused.

"Dark, what are we doing here?" I demand.

"Black Mist-nii hosts all of his meetings here," Dark says matter-of-factly. "Didn't you know?"



We enter through the window instead of the door. It kind of feels like trespassing, but Dark doesn't seem to care.

"What kind of minion are you if you don't even know where the meetings are help?" Dark giggles.  "Funny."

I huff. "What does he even want?"

This guy is an idiot. A bipolar idiot.

Black Mist greets us at the window. "Dark, nice to see you again," he says with a grin. "I'm glad to see that you've brought Tsukumo with you like I've asked."

"Nii-chan, when are the others coming?"

"Soon, I think. They should be here by the deadline. They always come at the deadline."

"Wait, what other people?" I demand.

"Oh, nothing you really need to worry about," Black Mist chuckles. "The others should be here shortly, though." He waves his hand, and I black out.


When I resurface, I'm back in my room with the Key around my neck.

What in the hell happened?

The door knocks again, and Cathy's voice floats up. Well, at least it's just her.

"Yuma!" she calls as she comes up. "I need help studying!" Her head appears, but I can tell that studying isn't what she came here for. She looks too serious. Panicked, even.

"What's up, Cat?" I ask her, helping her up.

"Something's wrong with my parents. They're not acting like themselves."

"Not acting like themselves?" I muse. "In what way?"

"Well, that's the thing. I can't even tell what's wrong with them! All I know is that something's off."

That is strange. "When did this start?"

Cat thinks and counts on her fingers. "About...four days ago."

That long? Why didn't she tell me or Astral? "Why haven't you told Astral or me sooner?"

"I really don't know." She sighs. "I guess I've been too busy with Astral to remember."

"Doing what?"

"Well...I promised not to tell until the time is right." Cat shrugs. "Sorry."

Oh. More secrets. "Okay..." I ponder any possible reasons, but I know Astral's probably the only one who can figure out what's wrong with her parents. After all, it may be the evil spreading, and he's the only one that I know who can sense that kind of stuff.

I grab the Key from around my neck and tap it twice, a signal that the Agents know as "Come here." Astral taught it to me once. He also taught me "Fall back," which is two snaps (or taps or whatever) followed by a pause then one more snap. Those are the only two he taught me.

A few moments later, Astral emerges.

"What is it?" he asks calmly.

"Something's wrong with my parents," Cat explains. "The thing is, I have no idea what's making them weird."

Astral's face clouds over. "I believe I know what is wrong, but I have to make sure."

Cat nods. "Right now, or...?"

"Yes. Right now." Astral looks over to me. "Yuma, you may come if you wish."

I nod, and we all go outside. I explain to Grandma and Akari where we're going before getting out so they don't have to worry.

When we make it to Cat's house, we enter without a sound. Cat leads us to her parents' room, where they seem to be in a deep sleep. This seems to concern Astral greatly.

Astral floats up to them and places his hands on both of their foreheads. He closes his eyes, deep in concentration up to the point where his breathing becomes hardly noticable.

Suddenly, Astral jerks back, startled. Cat and I jump in surprise at his reaction.

"What is it, Astral?" Cat asks, alarmed. "What happened?"

"They...attacked me," Astral responds. "A mental attack. As far as I know, humans whi are not awakened cannot use their mental abilities." He shakes his head. "In addition to that, there was a high feeling of darkness and evil all throughout their bodies. It is out of my league. I cannot purge it from them. I'm sorry, Cathy."

"Darkness? That means that Black Mist got to them, doesn't it?" I muse.

Astral inhales deeply, shakily. " pains me to say this, but...I need to check to see if you are infected as well. If you are, then..."

I nod, understanding what he means. Before Astral can even check, a black thing slithers in. We all look over to it as it takes form.

Black Mist grins at us. "Astral! I didn't expect to find you here!" He chuckles.

"I did not expect to find you here, either," Astral counters, lowering his hands from me. "What is it that you want right now? Why are you here?"

"Oh, you know, just wandering around out of pure boredom. Shit's getting pretty boring nowadays." Black Mist crosses his arms and smirks. "So, what brings you here, brother dear?"

Astral twitches in annoyance. "It is none of your business, Black Mist." His body starts glowing. "Now, if you do not want to feel your insides burning like a fire storm is inside you, I suggest you leave us alone and stay out of our business."

Black Mist puts his hands up in mock surrender. "No need to get aggressive," he laughs. "It's not in your nature, Astral. Never has been, never will be."

Astral sighs, annoyed. "Cathy, Yuma, let's go."

We follow Astral out.

Just before I close the door, Black Mist's voice resonates in my head:

"See you a few days and nights from now, my puppet!"

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