Chapter 33

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Part 5

~Astral/Black Mist/Dark Astral~

~Dark Astral~ I've withdrawn myself into the deepest, darkest corner of my mind to prevent Nii-chan from finding me again.Though, that does mean that I can't come out for anything, and that frustrates me! It also saddens me. I'm forced to only watch as Cat stays by my side. I hear her singing, and I want to join, but I can't. Not if I want to stay hidden.

"I'm so sorry this had to happen," Cat says for probably the millionth time. "I shouldn't have suggested going outside."

"No, it was fine," I want to say. Sometimes, I pretend that we're actually talking. "It was actually nice being outside. I think I enjoyed it." They're more one-sided conversations, though, since she can't hear me.

"I know you'll get your soul back, though. I'll just have to keep you safe until then."

"How will you get it, though? Onii-chan isn't like anything you've faced. That's why Astral still hasn't gotten it. I'll live, though."

Outside of my mind, I can't answer her. All I can do is watch her as she strokes the fire, making a few sparks fly.

A small ball of light comes to my corner.

"Agent 12," the voices say. "We have need of you."

~Black Mist~ I toy with Dark's soul while thinking of what the fuck to do while sitting on the living room couch. Honestly, I get bored easily! I squeeze the purple substance for a few seconds. Then, I relax my hand.

"I think I've got it now," Mizuki says from behind me.

Oh, yeah. I forgot all about her.

"Got what?" I turn slightly to face her.

"I think I've got a grasp at the transformation."

I give her a look of bored interest. "Oh, really?" I send one tentacle to go bar the door. I send more to spread across the window so that no one peeks. "Show me." Kuro flies over and perches on my shoulder, eyeing Mizuki with interest.

She closes her eyes and breathes deeply. She starts morphing slowly, picking up speed as the transformation progresses.

~Astral~ Once again, I try to sense Dark's consciousness. Once again, I fail. Something happened days ago. Why Cathy didn't tell me, I have no idea.

"Astral," Leviathan calls.

I look down from the gear I am on. "Yes?" I call back down.

"I believe I see Dark."

"Dark? He is supposed to be with Cathy."

Leviathan, Nebula, Asterite, Justice and I go to see who the figure, which is leaping from gear to gear with surprising agility, approaching is. Leviathan was not lying. It does look like Dark. It feels like Dark as well.

Dark lands in front of us. He is different, though. Instead of carefree, he has an air of serious calm. His stance is defensive, protective, as if he is expecting an assault at any moment. His face is grim, but his eyes give it all away.

Instead of the usual blackish orange, both of his eyes glow with a purple aura. Blank yet full.

"Dark, I thought you were not feeling well," Asterite ventures.

Dark flexes his muscles. "I suppose this body will do," he states, not addressing us. "Flexible, agile. It feels better to have a body again." He then turns back to us. "It is nice seeing you again, Agents. Are you ready to complete your mission?"

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