Chapter 4

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Brianna P.O.V-  Jay ran past me to find that two police officers have gone after her and chased her all around the school, what the heck I scream as an officer ran into me knocking me down to the ground I see Vicky, Stephannie,and Maria walking to fourth period as they see the officers chasing Jay around the school I look at there faces and see that they have been worried the whole day now jay is being chased by officers around the school. Oh well off to class I go into class and see that we have a sub and that all the kids are laughing and messing around except Vicky, Stephannie, and Maria they all have disappointed looks on there faces. I get up and go in front of them and say whats wrong, they stare at me with glum faces and then Maria says Jay is getting suspended for beating up Andy.

Jay P.O.V-  I am being chased when my vision blurred once again with the future five officers are going to arrest me for what I did. Running and running then that's done I run into a police car. I get arrested it was not that bad I get to go home I thought. suspended for a couple of days is going to be fine I will just fake sick. My vision blurres once again and I see my house in flames and my parents dead I cry as I see the vision. then as I get home I see it for real this time.

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