No. 1

5 0 0


the meeting


hasn't even


started yet


and I'm already




the fuck















"Are you okay?" Nathan turned to me, obviously noticing the quickening of my breath.

I was glad Nathan was there; he always seemed to help me calm down, even when it felt like the world was collapsing around me or when there was so much pressure on my lungs that I thought they would burst. I could be honest with him. He didn't judge, that's what I liked about him.

"No..." I whispered.

He gave me a sympathetic glance, "you know, you don't have to go if you don't want to..."

"But I do want to. That's the thing; I want to go but... anxiety is a thing!"

"Just remember, I'm going to be right there with you," he smiled reassuringly, "and if you need to leave just let me know and we'll go."

I smiled. That's another thing I liked about Nathan; he always put other people first. He cares so much about other people's well being that sometimes he forgets to take care of himself. He aspires to be a therapist one day, actually. I think it suits him.

"Okay," I replied, "I just don't want to be an inconvenience."

I heard a loud sigh of exasperation exit his mouth.

"We've gone over this, Finn, I don't think you're an inconvenience," I peered into his eyes. They were filled with emotion; sadness and sympathy, both of which I knew were directed towards me, "I'm here for you... I'm your best friend for crying out loud. You've got to learn to trust me more."

The truth was, I did trust him. I trusted him more than I trusted my own family. I just had so much self doubt that it tended to override the positive opinions of others.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I plastered on my trademark shy, goofy grin and stared at the ground.

"Don't doubt yourself so much, Finn. You're such an amazing person, you just don't seem to realize it... but I do!" He smiled at me, teeth and all.

"Thanks." I felt the anxiety dissipate and my breathing begin to go back to it's normal, steady rhythm.

Nathan just looked at me for a couple seconds before opening his mouth again, "your glasses are falling."

I chuckled at him and pushed my half frame, oversized Ray-Bans up the bridge of my nose so they sat properly. The lenses were smudged and dirty but I didn't want to stop to clean them now, I would just have to wait. I didn't  mind much though, it was rare that they were ever clean.

"Thanks for the information!" I said in a mock annoyed tone.

"You are oh-so welcome!" The sheer amount of bubbliness that he forced into that sentence was laughable.

I let a soft giggle escape my lips, "You are such a smartass!"

"I know!" Was all he could reply with.

We continued down the hallway, our feet softly hitting the grey tiled floor every time we took a step. It was kind of peaceful compared to this morning when Nathan and I had first shown up. The halls had been crowded with nervous, rowdy teens, most of which had caffeine pumping through their veins. Now the halls were barren and you could actually see the posters and art that had been hung up on the walls.

"Look!" Nathan pointed at one of the pieces of art on the right side of the hall.

It was an image of a ballerina, her tutu was depicted as if the ends of it were on fire. The girl had no face and the background was dark. It was magnificent.

"Wow... it's beautiful..."

"It really is!" He replied.

"I wish I was that talented!" I loved to doodle but I never thought I was any good.

Nathan elbowed me playfully, "You are! You're, like, one of the best artists I know!" He exclaimed.

"Whatever you say!"

He glared at me playfully but then adjusted his eyes back towards the end of the hall, "we're almost there!" He was evidently excited, and I was too.

I shifted my eyes forward and noticed the sign that read 'library'. This was it. Where we were supposed to meet the rest of the group. I gripped the strap of my back a little tighter and turned to Nathan.

"Shall we?" He asked.

"We shall!"

He opened the door to the library to reveal the rest of the members. I scanned my eyes across the room, looking at all the other students. In that moment it finally sunk in. I was here.

I turned to a girl who was holding bright yellow pamphlets, "new members! Here, take one of these," she gave us an award winning smile and handed us each a pamphlet, "you can go find a seat, the GSA meeting will start soon!"

Hey! So this is my first story... was it good? Bad? Meh? I'll hopefully continue but I tend to get sidetracked easily so I'm not sure when the next part would be posted. I don't even know if anyone will read this... but if you did read it, ily!~ Grey✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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