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I have actually managed to devote myself to doing inktober this year yayyyy :3 anyway, here are the first six days (I will post more, don't worry!)

Also, for anyone who would like to participate, the official inktober list is in the media section thingy up at the top

Day one: Swift
I finally understand wings YESSSSSS (also I'm heckin proud of that graffiti lettering I really love drawing stuff like that)

Day one: SwiftI finally understand wings YESSSSSS (also I'm heckin proud of that graffiti lettering I really love drawing stuff like that)

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Day two: Divided (this is too edgy for it's own good but eyyyyy *finger guns into the sunset*) dangit I love my sparkly purple pen I cri

Day two: Divided (this is too edgy for it's own good but eyyyyy *finger guns into the sunset*) dangit I love my sparkly purple pen I cri

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Day three: Poison
This was rly heckin rushed but it actually turned out decent????

Day four: UnderwaterI like the idea that mer-people are more amphibian/fish looking than the weird human upper half fish lower half thing

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Day four: Underwater
I like the idea that mer-people are more amphibian/fish looking than the weird human upper half fish lower half thing

Day four: UnderwaterI like the idea that mer-people are more amphibian/fish looking than the weird human upper half fish lower half thing

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Day five: Long

Day Six: SwordI have a fondness for ancient history and stuff, and this made me think of Caesar and the whole backstabbing thing like brooooooooooooooooo

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Day Six: Sword
I have a fondness for ancient history and stuff, and this made me think of Caesar and the whole backstabbing thing like brooooooooooooooooo

Day Six: SwordI have a fondness for ancient history and stuff, and this made me think of Caesar and the whole backstabbing thing like brooooooooooooooooo

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And then day seven: Shy
This was rushed, I know ughshshsshshdhfhd but yeah. I don't know why I enjoy drawing bags on people's heads sometimes. Probably the whole object head thing cuz hecc yeah object heads

 Probably the whole object head thing cuz hecc yeah object heads

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*Screeches* alrighty that's all for now transform and roll out

And CAMPE DIEM *dabs like some cringeworthy nine year old*