chapter 6

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Hikaru pov

"WHAT HAPPENED!!" Tamaki yelled as him and the others raced out of music room 3 and towards us.
"We don't know!" The two of us yelled in perfect sinc, the suprise and panic obvious on our face.
"What do we do" honey-sempai sobbed into mori-sempais chest who was currently hugging him tightly, only just managing to keep his stoic exterior in the current situation.

In response to honey-sempais question we all instinctively turned our heads towards Kyoya who, as usual, was intently scribbling in his notebook, which, regrettably, me and kaoru have not yet managed to get a hold of.

"It seems he had a panick attack and passed out" Kyoya stated in his monotone voice staring down at the now still and pale boy.

"Now what do we do" Tamaki stupidly  questions causing us to stare at him "Well," Kyoya starts "I suggest we bring him into the club room and lay him on the couch as well as closing the host club today due to this...misfortune" he said annoyance clear in his voice "mori, carry him to the couch, Tamaki, go get his guardians number from your dad, Hikaru, kaoru let our gests know we are closed today, everyone else do what you normally do" he continues to command causing Tamaki to cry and sink into a blob on the floor me and koura poking the strange life form while hunny stares curiously.

Once everyone is inside me and kaoru are forced to wait outside to tell the lady's that the club is closed today. "Why do you think he gets, you know, panic attacks" kaoru says turning towards me "I don't know..." I reply, keeping the same serious tone as my brother "but I want to find out " I Finnish before he simply replys "me too...


Once we had turned all the lady's away we walked in to see everyone but Kyoya, who was on the phone, was surrounding the sleeping boy by the time we reached them Kyoya had finished on the phone and told us that his brother was on the way


Short chapter but better than nothing, this chapter is dedicated to Crythroughlife thank YOU so much for inspiring me to start up this book again

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