chapter 7

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Within 20 minutes the door burst open and in ran the same guy from earlier causing tamaki to stalk towards him demanding to know 'what he was doing' only to go into shock due to the next words spoke in a deep voice by the pale skinned man
"I'm getting my brother" leaving him eroding away, ashamed by his previous ideas of what was going on between the 2 of them.

The man quickly stormed over to the sofa were joker layed  causing the others to back away, cautious of the man. Once he reached the sofa he sat down and picked up jokers head and rested it in his lap running his fingers through his hair. The sight almost unnatural based on their looks.

After a few minutes Tamaki finally came around and rushed over in a panic pointing at the unfamiliar man and yelling incorrec centances that no one could make out except for the of word such as son, harass, apples and sexual causing everyone except mori, Kyoya and jokers brother to stare in confusion.

After a few minutes of Tamaki constant rambling we are all shut up by hunnys next words...
"He's waking up!" And like hunny said he was starting to wake up, his breathing becoming harsher and his head starting to thrash around before his eyes snap open and he sites up panick clear by the was he searches around him and his arms hug himself tightly as he flinched when his brother reaches over to him, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling into his lap causing him to almost instant relax and lean into his brothers chest letting out a sigh of relief before closing his eyes and falling asleep again.


I know it's only short so to make up for it I promise that I will write another chapter today of at least 550 words and another one of the same length before Christmas and on that note merry Christmas!!! I hope your all ready for it and you have a fun time!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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