Chapter 3

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Gotta' Be You Chapter 3

Junes' POV

The boys had left to find more food. I sighed, they obviously had abnormally large appetites. Boys. I decided to rest some more. Exhaustion was threatening to overwhelm me. I closed my eyes and was instantly asleep.

I was running an endless maze. My father was chasing me. I huffed as I continued to turn corners. I managed to elude him for a while. But eventually, my strenght ran out. I came to a dead end.

My father approached me and grinned, "It's time to die, precious!" He pulled out a long butchers knife. I was backed up against a wall, fighting for every breath. My father closed the distance between us and said, "Where should I start? Oh, I know!" And he thrusted the knife into my stomach again and again. As darkness began to take over, I heard my voice screaming, terrible, gut wrencing screams. And then every thing was dark. The last thing I saw was my fathers' terrible grin.

I woke up panting. Liam was by my side in a flash. "Are you okay? Do you need any more pain medication?" I shook my head and said, "I'm fine. It was just a bad dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Liam asked kindly. And for some reason, I wanted to tell him everything about me, about my past, and why I had to run all the time. Tears welled up in my eyes. I blinked and a tear streaked down my face. Before I could wipe it away, Liam tilted my face up. He ran his thumb across, wiping the tears away. Then he looked deep into my eyes and said, "You can tell me what's bothering you. I won't judge you. It's okay, you can trust me." I looked deep into his choclolate brown eyes. I wanted to believe him, to trust him. I almost did.

But I shook my head and said, "It's nothing. Really." Liam stared at me for a minute. I could tell he didn't believe me, but he left it alone.

"When can I get out of here?" I asked. Then Liam smiled. He answered, "Actually, the nurse said you could leave as soon as you woke up. I was waiting for the boys. They should be back soon. I'll call Zayn and tell him to check you out at the front desk as they come up." I nodded.

Liam got up and pulled out his phone. He dialed and number and someone answered. Based on his reaction, I guessed it wasn't Zayn.

"Louis! Why do you have Zayns' phone?" Liam said, exasperated. Louis' answer didn't amuse him. Instead it seemed to irritate him and he said, "Okay! Never mind! Just give the phone to Zayn." Apparently he did, judging by his relaxed expression. They had a short conversation and then Liam hung up.

"They're in their way here now. We'll be out of here soon," He said. Liam sat down on the end of the bed. He glanced at me and said, "So, where are your parents?"

I emmidiatly tensed up. That was none of his business. "That's a long story that I don't feel like telling," I said. I tried to stay polite.

He laughed and put his hands up in surrender. "Okay. We all have things we don't want to talk about," he said.

"Yeah, like your fear of spoons. Right, Liam?" Harry said from the doorway. I stared at Liam in confusion. He was afraid of spoons? Wow, these guys were even more wierd than I originally thought.

Liam was blushing. "Dude, not cool. So, Zayn, did you get June checked out?"

Niall said, "Dude, you know what's not cool? Someone changing the subject to avoid talking about something freaky!"

Liam gave him a look and said, "Niall, I have one word for you. Bird."

Niall screeched and said, "Okay, let's change the subject." Harry laughed.

"Thats what I thought, Irish boy," Liam said. I was just watching the conversation with wide eyes. These boys are in serious need of mental help.

"Liam, look at her face!" Louis laughed. I must have had a funny expression on my face because all the boys were laughing, too. But whatever it was soon turned into a scowl.

"Can I get out of here now?" I said, still struggling to remain polite. These guys were getting on my nerves.

Zayn said, "Yeah. Oh, the nurse gave me these clothes for you. She didn't think you wanted to leave in a hospital gown." He was holding a bag with some clothes in it. And I knew what he meant about the gown. My backside was hanging out of it. Thank God the nurse had given him the clothes.

"Can you guys leave while I change?" I asked. I could have sworn Harry looked a little disappointed. Well, too bad.

As soon as they were out of the room, I hopped out of bed, well more like stumbled. I changed quickly into the jeans and purple tank top and slipped the flip flops on my feet.

I walked out into the hall and saw Niall carrying his weight in vending machine snacks.

"Niall! You already ate a pile of snacks twice as large as that! How are you still hungry?" Louis exclaimed loudly. Whatever. I walked over to Liam, who was sitting on a couch looking exasperated. He stood up when he saw me.

"Guys! Come on! Time to go!" Liam shouted to them. I was kind of surprised when they actually listened. Maybe they weren't as stupid as I thought.

But as soon as I thought that, I took it back. There was a chorus of "Dibs on shotgun!" and they all, except for Liam, raced for the door; only they forgot it was closed. They all ran face first into the glass door.

I sighed and shook my head. Then I laughed when I saw that Liam had just did it, too. I guessed we were thinking along the same lines.

Those boys were probably dropped on their heads as babies.

A/N: Please comment, fan, and vote. I would love to hear your thoughts on this story! :P

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