Never Disobey or Disrespect

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Normani Kordei

"And this is your room. I know it isn't what your use to, but this is what I have to offer." She just finished showing me her house, which is on a farm. It was a nice size too. The house was away from the farm. She had all types of animals. I wasn't sure what to do and was kinda scared of the animals. 

"Thanks granny for everything." "Of course were family. I would always do things for you." She leans up to kiss my cheek. "Also you have to get up early around here and honestly you don't have a choice." "Why?" She sighs and smiles. "You'll see. But for now, settle in and get comfortable. I'll check on you later." I smile and watch as she leaves my room.

I lay on my newfound bed and look up at the ceiling. The room was a fair room and it wasn't like my old room. It was a decent size, I could move around, but I didn't have my own bathroom in my room. I sit up on the bed and start to unpack my clothes. I look at my clothes in it and I seriously have to change my type of clothing for this weather.

I start placing things in the drawer. I grab the only picture I brought of my parents. It was small and it was in my bracelet. I smile and run my hand over it. "I miss you."

I continue to unpack the rest of my clothes and smile as I finish. I was proud. I actually did something on my own.

It also felt kinda weird because usually when I visit we don't stay here, but I guess that something to think about for another day.

Two hours later--

"Mani come down for dinner." I jump up, from my sleep. I put on a sweater and head down. "Hey did you have a good nap?" She says as she lays a plate down in front of me. "Yes I did. That bed is amazing." "We got to work on your manners." I chuckle nervously. "What?" "You know yes ma'am, no ma'am, thank you, and please." "I didn't know that was mandatory." "Well with me it is. Guess I'm just old school. Anyway child, eat up we got a big next couple weeks ahead of us." She pats my back gently.
"More like long year." I mumble.
Dinah Jane POV-

"Dinah!" I hear Mrs. Barbra yell. I turn from milking the cow and look at her. "Hey Miss Barbra how you doing? Glad to see you back. House was kinda quiet without you hear." I hug and she pats my back gently. "I miss you too sweetie, and your just saying that because I'm always yelling huh?" I smirk at her. "You caught me?" She pushes me playfully.

"Listen when your done with Etta over her I need you to work on the hens and make sure the horses are put back in after they get yard time." I wipe my forehead as she speaks. "Yes ma'am anything else?" I bend down to pick up the milk I had milked and put it on the pick up truck we use for the farm.

"This weekend if it's not to much, I need you to take my grandbaby to the mall or whatever to get her some clothes. She has to adapt to the weather." "Oh you talk about that visits for the summer. Why new clothes?" I ask as I start loading up the truck.

"She's staying with me for the rest of high school. That's why I went out of town to get her." I nod my head in understanding, not bothering to ask anymore questions about it. "That's fine, but you know basketball training starts for me this Friday, I might be late coming from there to here." I say, trying to hint I don't want to take an hour drive. "Sweetie don't worry how about you spend the night Friday and take her with you Saturday. That way she'll be with you all day." I sigh, I wasn't trying to be at the mall all day, but I knew not to disobey or disrespect my elders.

"Yes ma'am. I'll talk to my mom but it should be fine." "Thanks sweetie." She kissed my cheek and headed to the barn. I finish up my chores and the day went by fast. The day went by quickly and once I was done I headed to my truck and went home.

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