Project: vietnam

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"Okay class, you have one more project before summer." Mrs. Wright said cheerfully the while class groaned "I know I know class, it's almost summer and that last thing y'all want to do is a project, but it's a fun one I assure you!" Mrs wright said cheerfully "does anyone want to take a guess?" Mrs. Wright asked "is it on the titanic?" One kid asked "or how about world war 2?" Another kid asked "it's going to be in the wright brothers isn't it." One kid said confidently "no class your all wrong, it's going to be in the Vietnam war." Mrs wright said
Ring! Ring! Ring!
"Okay class have a good day, enjoy your weekend and don't forget projects are due Monday!" Mrs. Wright yelled over the noise of the kids talking
"Hey Sam" Mason said to his best friend Sam
"Hey Mason"Sam said
The boys were walking home
"So how mush studying are you going to have to do for your project?"Sam asked
"Not much all I have to do is go to my grandpas house and ask him, he was in the Vietnam war." Mason said
"Your lucky, I'm going to have to read a lot of books, and study in the library." Sam said sadly
"That sucks" Mason said
Sam was at his house
"I'll talk to you tomorrow maybe or whenever I'll get the chance"Sam said
"Bye"Mason said
"Bye" Sam said
10 mins later...
"Hey mom"Mason said
"Hey sweaty! How was school?" Mom asked
"It was good. We have a project about Vietnam, I was wondering if I could go to grandpas and ask him some stuff about the war. Could I?"Mason asked
"Look honey, war can change a person it changed your grandfather. So I wouldn't expect much of a story from him, they don't like to talk about it."mom said
"So can I or can I not try?" Mason asked
"You can try"mom said
"Okay! I'll be back soon bye!" Mason said excitedly
10 mins later at grandpas house...
Knock knock knock
Mason walked in
"Hey grandpa!"Mason said excitedly
"Hey buddy, what are you doing here?" Grandpa asked
"I have a project on Vietnam, I know you were in the war so I wanted to talk to you about it. If that's okay." Mason said
Grandpa turned his wheelchair around strolled to the living room and told Mason to sit. Mason did as he was told and grandpa said this
"Listen Mason, I've always told people I don't like talking about it and I don't. But since you need the information I will. Before I start just know, no man should ever have to go through war, war is nothing but a brutal blood bath, and you never know when your next to lay on the ground beside all your dead friends. I had 6 friends join Vietnam with me, there names were, Jim, Ricky, tommy, my other friend Mason you know Mr.Mason, joe, Ethan, and myself. 2 out of those 6 people made it out alive me, and Mason. The others were dead and I grew up with them."grandpa said
"Grandpa you don't have to do this." Mason said
"I want to Mason, so you will never want to join a war or ever fight in one"grandpa said
"Now, the year was 1972, 3 years before the war ended. Me and my friends were going to war, we dreamt of it, we didn't know how brutal it was. When we arrived we had a cpt who was our squad leader. His name was cpt. Jones. Anyway we had our first mission that next day. We were all excited, that night we all went to sleep fast we all had to wake up at 5 o'clock that next morning. When I woke up, we all ate breakfast and got dressed. Then it was our job to head down to the armory  and get ammunition and guns, I carried two bags full of guns while Mason and joe carried most of the ammunition, joe had to go back and get more but soon we were all loaded up and ready to move out. Before we left captain rhode gave a little speech I remember word for word what he said. He said 'soldiers we have a mission, there's a small outposts nearby that's full of these bastards, these Vietnamese soldiers, yea they call each other soldiers. There just assholes out there waiting to get a lucky shot on one of you pricks. So watch each other's backs, the first mission I did in nam, I got two of my closest friends killed because I didn't have there backs. Keep your eyes open and let's move out!' About an hour later we were at this outpost, there were probably 50 soldiers with about, 20 woman and children. We had about 15 marines in our squad but we were combined with 3 other squads, all together we had about 60 marines, we all got on the outer edges of the outpost and when our captain shot the first person all hell would break loose."grandpa said
Pow! Pow! Pow! One Vietnamese soldier fell to the ground, the next thing you know all you could here was gun fire, we had grenade launchers, lmgs, m16s , some even had grenade launchers on the bottom of there m16s, we had snipers to.
"The first person I killed on the war has a young kid. It was by accident as I shot my grenade launcher a kid got in the way, and when it hit the ground I thought I killed and enemy. When the dust cleared I saw a young kid, had to be about 10 or 11. His left leg was blown off along with some of his fingers. I threw up and looked at what I'd done. Then our captain ordered us to move in and don't kill any woman or children tell them to get in there little houses on the outpost. So we moved in I was shooting my m16 while Mason had an lmg I saw him shoot one guy twice in the same shoulder and his arm blew off. I almost threw up again. Then all of a sudden about 30 Vietcong soldiers run out towards us I ducked down so did most, but joe didn't, no joe got shot in the chest twice as me and Mason ran to him we called for a medic. A medic came but said we couldn't help him I was devastated. We watched as he was in pain. Then out of no where a grenade landed right beside him. Me and Mason ran. Then we heard about 7 grenades go off they were just throwing them. We looked back at joe he was missing two legs and half a face. I was pissed, so I picked up Masons lmg that he dropped and shot down about 25 Vietcong soldiers. There were about 10 Vietcong soldiers left, they all tried to run as they were out numbered. I shot them all down even after they were dead I kept shooting the bodies. Mason had to take the gun from me. Tommy,Ricky,and Jim ran to me and Mason and said 'where's joe?' I pointed and they said 'Jesus look at what these bastards did!' I told them we'd get our revenge. Then we saw all the woman and children come out of the huts. Captain ordered Ricky, Jim, Mason, tommy, and myself to get behind them with our guns to the backs of there heads, then captain said something I'd never forget and i'd done something I'd never forget, he said 'save your shells, beat them to death' one of the Vietnamese woman understood and ran, one marine tackled her and slit her throat. The we beat the shit out of these people with the stocks of our weapons. I couldn't stop beating this one man, his brains were on the dirt and everyone was watching me. I wanted to let all my anger out in him. Then Jim got shot in the arm by a pistol by a Vietnamese soldier on the ground already shot in the back. So I beat him with the but of my gun. When I was done he had no face. His neck up was gone nothing left. We patched up Jim. We had another outpost to take out. There was heavy reinforcements on this one. One squad had already attacked but having trouble because of all the heavy reinforcements. So we went to the outpost."grandpa said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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