Well I didn't know I could do that

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  I wake up to the sound of people talking. Do I really want to get up now? 
  I try to go back to sleep but i'm unable to. Shit. I might as well get up and see what everyone's doing this early in the morning. I wonder what time it is anyway.
  I rub and open my eyes as I sit up. I pick up my phone from right beside me and turn it on. The bright light blinds me. "Ah fuck." I quickly shut my eyes tightly looking away from the phone. I open them and let my eyes adjust to the bright screen. 1:48. Jesus Christ, next time I sleep i'm probably gonna wake up married with 2 kids, a dog, and a cat.
  I stretch my arms and get my lazy ass up. As soon as my feet touch the floor I shiver. It's so fucking cold in this house, I bet if you had a glass of water in here it would freeze in 2 seconds. Why is getting up so hard for me.
  I take a few steps before stopping and leaning on the door. I rub my eyes once again. I somehow manage to walk down the stairs and see everyone chilling in the living room. Tyler sitting on the couch, Craig taking up the rest of the space while his feet are in Tyler's lap, and Brock sitting in a chair watching me look at what everyone's doing.
  "Finally, you've been asleep all morning, I had to tell everyone to wait for you to wake up because I thought it'd be rude to start without you." Brock tells me with a smile on his face. "Wait  for what?" I ask. What is he talking about? "The lesson of course." I'm so confused right now. "Lesson?"
  I watch Brock get up and walk over to me. "Ryan, You might not know it but...you're very special." Brock puts a hand on my shoulder.
  "W-What. How?" Now i'm just more confused than before.
  "Here, I'll show you." Brock grabs one of my hands. "Now watch carefully." He raises one of his hands a bit and points at a book sitting on the table in front of Craig and Tyler. My eyes widen as I see the book begin floating towards Brock. How the fuck is this even possible!? They never taught me this in school, what the actual fuck!
  I turn my head to look at Brock. "Are you doing that!?" The book lands in Brock's hand as he turns and nods at me. " You can do this too." Is he serious? "No I cant. What are you talking about?" 
  "The glass cup when you were fighting with your mom. That was you, Ryan." I shake my head. "It couldn't be me. It was probably just the wind!" Brock lifts my hand up a little and looks at it. "It was you. There was no wind in the house at the time." How does he know all this? "Were you stalking me!?" Brock looks up at me confused. I then see a smile spread across his face and hear a giggle. "Of course not! I saw it in your mind." Woah there. I look at my hand. So I have powers too. I look at Craig and smirk, time to test my powers out. I look at Brock, he smiles at me. He knows what i'm thinking. 
  I slowly put my hand out in front of me then quickly flick it to the side. I see Craig roll off the couch and scream. "What the fuck!?" Brock puts a hand over his mouth and giggles. I look at Craig and laugh. He totally deserved it. So I do have powers...woah. Cool. 
  Tyler looks at Craig and smiles. Craig gets up off the ground and stomps over to me and Brock. "Listen here you fucking hoe, don't fuck with me, you don't know what i'm capable of!" 
  "I know your capable of being a thot."
  "That's it!" Craig lunges at me but is stopped by Brock. Brock grabs Craig and by his shirt and holds him in place. "Both of you need to stop fighting. You're both living in this house for a reason and we all know what that reason is!" You could hear the anger in Brock's voice. Seeing Brock angry is very scary.
  "He started it." Craig you ignorant slut. "Craig, don't even start with that." And this is why Brock is one of my favorites. Brock lets go of Craig's shirt and shakes his head gently. "I need to go work on something real quick." Brock walks away. I feel a little bad now, we're probably stressing the fuck out of Brock.
  Craig leans in close to my face. "You better watch out, Ryan. You don't know what your messing with." I roll my eyes. "Whatever." 
  "You little bi-" Tyler puts a hand on Craig's shoulder. "You need to calm your tits like holy fuck." Tyler smiles a little at Craig. Craig then shakes his head a little and sighs. "Okay." Craig glares at me one last time before walking away with Tyler's arm around him. I wonder if they're a thing.
  I sit down on the couch looking around. I wonder why all of them are here. I wounder if they have a backstory. Did they kill someone? Was it an accident? I should stop thinking about this so hard, i'm sure they'll tell us when they're ready. But I kinda really wanna know now. Man, I'm kinda worried about Brock, he has to take care of 4 boys all by himself. That has to be hard.
  I grab the remote of the table and turn on the TV. I flip through random channels but end up giving up and turning off the TV. How come nothing goods ever on.
  Well that was a waste of time. Nice.
  I wanna rest my eyes but I just woke up from sleeping. I start to close my eyes but I see something in the corner of my eye which causes me to jump up. I thought I saw something or someone walking in the distance. It could have been my imagination for all I know.
  I wish Brock was still here with me. We could have talked about these power more, i'm still very confused about all this. I wanna know everything. about all this.
  What am I getting myself into?

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